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51. Awakening.

After making Regulus sleep for a while, Narcissa walked down to the kitchen to get herself some dinner, Kingsley had been right, she needed to look after herself for Draco's sake. Her Dragon would not be pleased to wake up and find she had withered away.

She was so worried about her boy, she thought that the worry wouldn't be as bad now that they were free of Lucius, this was certainly different but she was still worrying. She hoped that this wasn't going to be a new normal but, she felt like that was hopeful. Harry was nothing like Voldemort or Lucius but Draco had been swept up in his drama in any case. She didn't blame Harry but she did wish for both of their sakes that this was the last of the life-threatening Drama they would have to deal with.

She sat and ate a small meal when she heard a familiar deep voice from behind her enter the room. She hadn't even heard the Floo.

"Cissa, have you seen the recent paper?" Kingsley said coming in and kissing her on the head, it had become a bit of a habit for him to greet her this way, he tended to forget about propriety. Not that she was complaining, she liked that he would touch her affectionately even if they didn't use it to get to more. She felt very wanted and not like an object.

"Hello darling, no I haven't, I just managed to convince Reggie to go down for a nap and figured I would eat. Would you like something?" She said offering to fix him a plate of the very informally put together leftovers. She had sent Kreature to Malfoy Manor to find books relating to prophecies, considering the seer blood that runs through Luna's veins comes from the Malfoy line. This meant she had to fend for herself in the kitchen, she was never taught to cook, she had always had elves to take care of the household like that, she just managed their orders.

He nodded his head still in the paper as he finished reading.

"They are calling me into question now, bloody prophet. Honestly a bunch of ingrates and idiots." He growled and threw the paper down. "Thank you love." He added much more softly when she placed food in front of him.

She picked up the paper and began to read what they had to say.

Minister for Magic Under Scrutiny Amidst Ongoing Crisis

In the wake of yet another harrowing incident involving renowned wizard Harry Potter and his partner Draco Malfoy, questions have emerged regarding Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt's handling of recent events. This marks the third time in as many months that Potter and Malfoy have narrowly escaped danger, only to be left in comas, prompting speculation about possible undisclosed threats to the wizarding community.

Critics are pointing to Minister Shacklebolt's alleged possible connections to the fugitive Lucius Malfoy, a notorious figure still at large despite ongoing efforts by the Auror Office. Lucius Malfoy's son, Draco, being Harry Potter's partner, raises eyebrows as to whether familial ties could influence Minister Shacklebolt's decisions. Concerns linger over whether the Minister may be concealing vital information that could shed light on these recurring crises.

Furthermore, with recent reports suggesting a mysterious prophecy has surfaced within the Department of Mysteries, hinting at a connection to Harry Potter's tumultuous life. Speculations abound regarding its contents and implications, fueling theories about potential links between the prophecy and the ongoing saga surrounding the Boy-Who-Lived.

As the wizarding world anxiously awaits answers, the Ministry of Magic faces mounting pressure to address these unsettling developments and provide reassurance to a community shaken by uncertainty. Stay tuned as the Daily Prophet continues to investigate and report on this developing story.

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