To the New Millennia.

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The night before had been fantastic and the new day was a nice relaxing day in bed with his naked boyfriend. They had curled up for the day and watched movies, every now and then their nakedness would become a focal point and they would taste or touch each other, it was utter debauched bliss.

Draco never thought he would experience passion the likes he and Harry had, for so long, he had thought he would end up in a loveless marriage with someone like Astoria, if not her. The thought of intimacy with a woman was something difficult to enjoy picturing but, the fiery passion that never seemed to disappear between him and Harry was another thing entirely. All he had to do was think about dancing with Harry the night before and he was hard as a rock. He would feel that Harry was hard and it would send his dick into overdrive, he wasn't sure he had been so horny before, even as a pubescent teenager.

They had their meals brought to them and remained in their room, in their own little bubble of paradise and intimacy. Draco was trying to enjoy the relaxing mood of the day but, sporadically throughout the day he would think of something he couldn't expel from his brain.

The New year's ball that was coming up quicker than ever now they were on the other side of Christmas and the conversation he had been a part of last night where in the conversation George and Ron were talking about how glad they were Harry was having a good Christmas considering how his Muggles treated him. He had learned some things he was sure Harry would have preferred to either tell Draco himself or not tell him at all.

With how tight-lipped Harry had been about his Muggle relatives, Draco assumed that it was the latter, he would have liked if Draco never knew about it. Why though? Draco had showed him parts of his life that weren't so pretty, Harry knew more about his mother's abuse than even he did but surely Harry realised Draco had suffered at the hands of Lucius in more than the obvious 'selling him to Voldemort' kind of way.

He had not wanted Harry to find that all out but, Harry had taken it upon himself to see a vulnerability and heal it. Draco wanted to do the same for Harry and the Muggles had to be the key to that. He thought he would use Harry's methods to discover a way to help behind the scenes, though after the things he had heard from the Weasley's, the small comment about "His cupboard" and the general underfed look of Harry in school, had him thinking Harry had been neglected in even the basic care.

He might have paid for it physically, emotionally or mentally but Draco wanted for nothing in the material, food, the latest in gear and supplies and candy and trinkets. Harry had received none of that, on top of whatever other abuse he had been facing. Draco didn't know what to make of that. It made his blood boil but Harry sensed when he would let the rage fester too long, it was just that, he wanted to hit something, preferably a Dursley.

Eventually Harry got tired of feeling his cycle of rage, anxiety then contentment.

"Is everything ok? I can feel you have something on your mind." Harry said nuzzling into his neck to take the edge of his anxiety.

"Sorry, I'm trying hard to not ruin the day.... this bond makes it hard to just pretend for a while, with you."

"Probably to encourage healthy communication." Harry suggested. "Go on, out with it. What's on your mind?"

"Well, it's hard to pinpoint exactly....Er."

"So, it's more than one thing or conflicting things. Ok let's start with what's making you angry?" Harry gave Draco his full attention. The fact that, he wanted to talk things through eased his mind. He had a segway into the conversation he had been trying to have with Harry for a while.

"Ok, I er .... don't want to get anyone into trouble but drunken people often have loose lips. I overheard a conversation between two very drunk people, who may have mentioned somethings about your time with the Muggles that I found really made me mad and I haven't had a chance to talk to you about it to clear things up. It's festering and I feel like I'm jumping to conclusions." He told Harry trying to get it all out there. Harry who had been softly looking at him with the anticipation of helping Draco, had gone very cold and guarded at the topic he broached.

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