Hogwarts: A Mystery.

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She woke up to someone stroking her hair, it was gentle but not in the affectionate way that Neville might gently wake her up. It was more like a friend of mother tentatively trying to coax her from her dreams.

"Hey Pans, Nev sent me to get you, he had a problem with one of his plants this morning so, he sent me a patronus." A familiar voice said to her, still tempting her with his fingers. "Pans Wake up." She blinked against the light of the room, Gryffindor tower was generally brighter earlier than anywhere else in the castle, except maybe Ravenclaw tower.

She opened her eyes to the freckled face of her ginger friend, crazy where she was in her life these days. "Good morning Ron, did you say Nev had a problem" She yawned delicately covering her mouth. "Is he ok?" She asked.

"He's fine. It just took him longer so he is still busy but I was coming in to get Lav anyway so he asked if I could make sure you woke up. You can come with us to breakfast, Harry me and Draco were out early trying to sniff something out about that missing girl in our animal forms. We still haven't found anything; the only place left is the forest and McGonagall is worried what we might find out there after three days."

"Is Harry and Draco still using this as a way to release their pent-up energy about Lucius being arrested today?" She asked. Getting up and going to the bathroom where Lavender and Natalia were.

"Morning Pansy." The girls chorused.

"Ladies." She curtsied and began her routine quickly. She found that when working with two girls somewhat fashion sensed, the morning getting ready routine was easier.

"Well, I'm not going to point it out to them. They both still treat me like some foreigner, like they don't recognise me." Ron whined.

"That is because you suddenly started calling Draco by his actual name." Lavender called out to Ron; she nodded in agreement.

"She's right, I don't even think you could fathom some of the weird theories he's come out with when asking me about it. He keeps saying I should tell him what you and I talk about but I told him that's not how my friendships work besides I don't tell you anything about Draco." Pansy told him amused; it had been a funny first few days back. They had been back for almost two weeks now and it was still a mystery to Draco, why Weasel would call him Draco.

"You can you know...." He called to her, "You can tell him whatever you need to stop him from panicking. I trust you to know what to say and if it helps him hearing it from someone he trusts, I know your closer to him than me anyway."

"Yes well like I said to him it simply doesn't work like that. You two will have to learn to trust each other on your own. I just nudge where I have to." The three girls finished up and Lavender and Natalia left so she could dress.

When she emerged they were still waiting, normally they would go ahead and leave her for Neville, which was the same as it had always been. What had changed was her acceptance into the common room among them and being openly talked to in the halls. With that acceptance came more acceptance from the younger years in Gryffindor to the point a few of the younger witches had asked her advice on clothes. Natalia was a bit of a wild card; she was still very quiet but Pansy thought that might just be her personality and Ron and Lavender didn't seem bothered by her quietness.

They all made their way to breakfast earlier than normal, she knew Draco and Harry were probably a mess of anticipation leading up to 9 am. And with this missing student situation, the whole school was on edge, the teachers were up in arms as to how a student managed to go missing. When she had been reported missing three days ago on Friday morning having not shown up for dinner or back to the common room Thursday night the whole school spurned to action.

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