Welcome to 2000.

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34.Welcome to 2000

Harry awoke with Draco later than usual, having stayed out until almost 4 in the morning, Harry had done his impromptu interview with Rita after the midnight kissing display. Rita had waited for him to be alone, which he conveniently made sure he was, and in her sickly-sweet way asked if he had anything for her column the next morning. Naturally when he had said yeah why not? she had looked adequately shocked and delighted at the same time.

Of course, he wasn't going to say anything before reminding her that she had to stick within the guidelines he set out. He hoped it had done its job.

They both made their way to the kitchen to greet everyone, they heard everyone getting up and making their way down so they were prepared to see a full kitchen on entering. They were not expecting the chaos they did encounter.

Everyone was there, along with dozens of owls, all swooping in and out, dropping off mail. Lavender who had been invited back to Grimmauld after the ball was in silent tears with a copy of witch weekly gripped tight in her hand. What was shocking about that was that despite the tears running down her face she looked absolutely livid. Ginny, Theo, Blaise and Hermione were going over the daily Prophet with smug looks on their faces. Molly, Arthur, Narcissa and Andy were sorting the mail into recipients piles, he could see the significantly larger of the pile had his name on it. Luna and George were running after Teddy, Charlie was giving treats to the owls as they left and Bill and Fleur were helping to serve breakfast as only Kreature was working today.

Neville and Percy seemed to be just gobsmacked watching the chaos, Leo, Astoria, Hannah and Greg just seemed happy to act like nothing was happening around them also reading various newspapers and magazines.

"What happened?" Harry asked Ron and Pansy, thinking Lavender was in no fit state to talk.

"Bitch in Witch Weekly said some pretty nasty things about Lavender. First attacking her dress, then had the audacity to say she was a Trollope and say it's because she's a werewolf and that, and I quote "Beasts can't control their urges and should be spayed to prevent the disease of her kind to spread" it was disgusting. She actually didn't have anything good to say, waxing on about disregard for propriety basically calling all us witched scantily clad whores vying for power above our station. But Lavender and you guys were attacked personally even Dean and Seamus made an appearance as degenerates." Pansy explained.

Harry thought about it for only a moment before smiling at them all, "Don't worry about it Lavender, by tomorrow I'm sure it will all be sorted out, in today's political climate I doubt a woman like that would have a job for much longer. I'm willing to bet that Witch weekly will pull the copy and retract their statements, perhaps get a different reporters perspective to undo the clearly prejudiced opinion."

She relaxed a little, Draco and Harry took their seats and were passed the paper by Hermione who winked at him as she did. That was a good sign. The front page was a picture of Draco and Harry kissing at midnight with the others kissing in the background, the flashes of other camera's highlighting the back and foreground couples in turn.


"Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry was host to a monumental New year's ball and not just for the new Millennia we are now in ladies and gentlemen. More than that was happening at Hogwarts last night, with the reveal of many new budding relationships, instant love stories and controversial couplings'. This reporter was there to report it all and may I say what a spectacular evening.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall did a spectacular job introducing new modern concepts to an old tradition. First was the amazing choice of relaxing the formal attire of the event to include Muggle formalwear and this reporter was glad to see it. There was a stunning array of gowns and robes alike making the ball a fantastic and interesting mix. Interested to know more about the dresses I spoke with Miss Pansy Parkinson on the arm of Neville Longbottom, to the devastation of many witches I'm sure.

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