Secrets. Pt One

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Ron was beyond frustrated,

"They found nothing?" He asked Hermione again.

"I told Kingsley almost everything, I made it sound like we just wanted to be sure but he had Aurors search the house and found nothing to suggest Mr. Malfoy even had books on the subject. Kingsley told me himself Ron, I'm not sure what else to try, he said they used a charm to detect active spell work and voodoo would have shown up on that." She explained again.


He had wanted to use whatever rescue plan Harry had concocted to expose Lucius or Draco but no luck. It was disappointing to say the least.

Once he found out what was happening when Hermione got back, he had asked her if it were possible for her to speak with Kingsley about their concerns in the hopes he would also take it seriously. He did, he set up an emergency raid of the Manor but come up with nothing aside from some potion work. Now Ron was having to think about everything, second guessing the whole thing, remembering when Harry had tried to describe how he felt about Malfoy.

"I have to think things over, we must be missing something, what if there is someone else involved, taking orders and carrying it out so Lucius can keep his hands clean. Might have to get creative to catch him and whoever is working for him." Ron explained.

"Ok do you want my help? Is there something I should look out for? I hang out with them more often, if someone is working on this with Lucius they might be in the school I could pick up on if someone is paying close attention."

"Yeah just keep an eye out for someone being suspicious, trying to get closer, asking questions that seem suspicious. If you see something let me know we can get more eyes on the situation and see if its cause for concern."

"Alright, are you ready for breakfast? Harry and Draco have the day off to get Narcissa settled and I'm fairly sure Harry was planning to stay over the weekend to sort out the kinks with Kingsley so they won't be here."

"Yeah lets go."

They had their breakfast and went to class; the day went on with classes and meals but Ron was distracted from it all. There has to be a way Lucius was getting away with this because if he wasn't doing some magic to manipulate things then Ron might have to admit that he was wrong and that Harry really did fall in love with Malfoy. That was unbearable to even consider but it would mean being ok with the blond prat. He thought back on what Harry had said to him that day.

~ "Your right Draco is not the only fit or gay wizard at this school or out in the world I'm sure. Dean and Seamus are together already so off the market gay wizards were not an option. When I first saw Antonio I was almost sure I wouldn't be able to stand up for a while, and even when I got to know him he made me feel, something.... attraction I guess. But on further comparison it was just physical, like Lavender was for you, and you got over that fairly quickly. I didn't want to spend months snogging some bloke just to realise I preferred someone I had a history with. Draco and I may not have been friends for years like you and Hermione but we have a past. There are things we know about each other that others would never understand, an understanding that doesn't need to be said. I was there when he couldn't kill Dumbledore, I nearly killed him, he saved me at the Manor, I saved him in the fire." They were walking towards Harry's class because Ron was free for the afternoon. "Don't get me wrong everything that we both went through because of Voldemort was horrible but without it we both wouldn't have become who we are now and the more I'm with him the more I realise that finding someone who can know the best and worst of me and still look at me..." They rounded the corner to see Draco waiting by the classroom for Harry, Draco saw Harry and his face lit up with affection, his cheeks pinking slightly. "Like that. I nearly killed him Ron and he still looks at me like that, how can I not want to give this a genuine go, a chance at the kind of relationship everyone wishes they had. Honestly if he's the reward for dying to save the world and all that I feel like I'd do it all again knowing that look was waiting for me on the other side." ~

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