Coming together.

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Sunday for Draco had been a series of paperwork that he had read and filled out, all awaiting Harry's signature. While Harry spent the day getting to know Regulus and telling him all about what had happened to him since the war had finished.

Draco was nervous for that day because Harry said he was going to tell Regulus about all the people he had in his life and how they were a part of it. While now his and Harry's relationship with each other was fine, great in fact, before when they were kids it had been all wrong for the wrong reasons. Draco was a coward, though Harry would say he was cautious Draco knew the truth. There wasn't really a brave bone in his body, he wasn't Pansy, jumping into an uncomfortable situation to support a friend. He wasn't Harry fearlessly fighting for the underdogs and coming out on top due to his good bloody heart. Hell he wasn't even Weasley, accepting of the mistakes he made and willing to get the consequences, no he had tried everything to get him and his mother out of trouble including accepting testimony from Harry knowing it would go a long way.

When Regulus found out that Harry was dating a coward, would he not approve? Would it become a strained relationship? He had been such a wimp the whole war. Not wanting to risk anything by going to the side he truly believed in and not willing to fully become what Lucius wanted him to become. He had been a failure and a coward and although he was trying to be better for Harry, sometimes it always felt like he fell short.

So, he did whatever he could to make everything easier for Harry, this way he had nothing to worry about besides getting to have a day with his dad. He contacted McGonagall and Kingsley, though he had a suspicion that the minister had already been informed the night before, and lastly he contacted Gringotts. All places that needed to be informed of the new status of Regulus being alive and well and legally Harry's father.

The first reply he got was from Kingsley who mysteriously showed up as if he had been there that night, the smug knowing look on Harry's face at breakfast a dead giveaway that something more was going on there. Harry was attuned to the wards and would know who was in his house when they were there and where they were. Draco didn't want to think of the obvious implications that his mother had begun dating or seeing someone and so he just pretended not to know or see anything amiss.

In this case ignorance was in fact bliss.

Second was McGonagall who said that her documents in Harry's personal school file were updated automatically when Regulus's magic had been restored to him. She was happy to know that they had been reconnected and could he get Harry to sign a form to show he is of age and not a new student. The registry had apparently become confused and registered both Harry and Regulus as potential new students.

He went with Kingsley to the ministry to get the paperwork from the births and deaths registry, they had to do a fair bit of red tape cutting for all that and he was thankful he had the minister with him or he feared Regulus would have naturally died before Draco would have been able to register that he hadn't died in the first place. Of course this needed to happen or Regulus wouldn't be able to do anything legally. One thing that they did find out while they were there was that the marriage of Regulus to James and Lily had been revealed through the marriages department.

It just magically popped up as if it had always been there. The spell that Lily had created to hide Regulus had been very thorough in making sure it was all there, just concealed. When Draco looked at the family tapestry with Harry and Regulus that morning they had realized the tapestry had also changed to reflect Regulus's relationship with James and Lily. James and Lily's names and portraits were there connected by the threads of marriage.

That had been a moment he had quickly left alone, Regulus seemed to get emotional at seeing their names there, something that seemed to be a major thing he wished they had been there to see. James and Lily not being there seemed to be something both of them struggled with and a way for them to bond so, Draco had left them to it to send off the letters. When he saw that Regulus and Harry had left the room and were engrossed in something else, he had gone back in to see the images himself.

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