Paris? Why Nott. Pt 1

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"I went to Paris once with my parents when I was young." Hermione said.

"You have no idea what you're missing, Paris as an adult is like a wonderland of fashion and food, we must go some time, Blaise knows all the good places to eat. We were there over the summer" Pansy told her new friend, slurring her words only a little. They had just finished their meal at the three broomsticks and had begun discussing Paris with a few casual drinks, due to the conversation topics of Ginny and why everyone agreed it was a good idea for her to move to Paris. 

"I've never been to Paris, I don't think I've been anywhere outside of the UK." Harry had said and the whole table fell silent everyone except Hermione and Nev was looking at him like the thought was impossible to comprehend.

"Well now we have to go, you can't not see the world you saved. We should do a group trip one weekend, it would only take a single portkey." Pansy said excitedly.

"You would all go to Paris with me, but I'd want to do the muggle sightseeing too." Harry thought a road trip as such sounded good, "And see Gin while I'm there."

"That's fine Theo's living there we can visit him while you see your friend." Blaise piped up.

"All right I'll organise what we will need, we can go next weekend." Harry said with an air of finality. He had wanted to travel and having people who knew the area would help a bunch, he was worried about going himself and getting lost when he didn't know the language. That and he wasn't entirely sure how famous he was there vs here in the UK, "Er, please tell me I'm not as well known there as I am here, I'd enjoy the anonymity if I'm going on a vacation."

"You should be fairly anonymous if we stay in the muggle areas, but any political or major Wizarding area you may come across a few who know of you, though with your current look you are unlikely to be recognised." Malfoy told him.

"Good, good."


That was how he found himself in Kingsleys office on Monday afternoon to organise a group vacation for the group minus Nev who had an important Herbology thing on that weekend. After spending an hour not just asking but justifying his choice in companions, he had finally paid for the Portkey. He also took time to ask about Andromeda getting visitation to see Narcissa Malfoy, Kingsley acquiesced to his request, reminding Harry that he would be interested in training him to take his position as Minister in the future. Harry promised to think about it and left with the permission he needed, Narcissa would get the same as Malfoy did with hour visits in the Malfoy conservatory, all Andromeda needed to do was organise a schedule so the visits could start. He entered the floo system and flooed straight to his room at Hogwarts and got ready to make his way to dinner but as he still had a little time he wrote to Ginny and Andy to let them know about his ventures.

As he walked to dinner to meet with everyone else, after a detour to the owlery, he was thinking about this morning. He had expected some front page expose on his outing with Malfoy and Teddy the day before but when the post and subsequently the paper came that morning, nothing. He wasn't sure how to feel about it, whether the reporters had backed off because they were respecting his wish, positive track or were they waiting for something waiting until this information would do the most damage, negative track. Experience was leaning him down the negative but hope was trying to push him to be positive. Either way not knowing was annoying him, he was developing a need to know it all attitude which he suspected had a lot to do with the amount of royal fuck ups that could have been avoided with the right information before and during the war. Loses that could have been avoided, preparations that they could have made, it all haunted him. The problem was there was nothing he could do to change what happened but yet he was left with a lingering urge to do more than he had before, and this whole reporter business and the falsities they spread only does damage, he needed to be prepared. What if someone he had grown to care for was hurt, Malfoy, Pansy or Blaise? all because of a lie, all because of a lack of the right information. Just like Sirius had.

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