The Plot thickens.

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Lucius Malfoy, convicted Death eater and Supporter of the now dead Lord Voldemort escaped custody yesterday morning. Using an unknown means of communications, it appears the disgraced death eater managed to evade Aurors during his arrest on the morning of January 17th, with the help of unknown assailants. Auror Robards and Minister Shacklebolt, were leading the charge, not wanting there to be any room for error however, when they arrived on the scene they found that Lucius was not alone. Once he presented himself for arrest, it became clear that something was amiss in Minister Shacklebolt opinion and he moved to place contingencies too late as they were surrounded by assailants in death eater masks and robes.

It is yet unclear if the attackers were in fact Death eaters who have been hiding this whole time or just a show for the crowd so to speak. Chaos reigned in a spectacular display and the Aurors were pushed back, Lucius was given a wand by one of the masked people and they all disappeared, apparated away. Now as investigators look into the organised escape it has become clear that Lucius was communicating with his rescuers prior to the attempt. This has led to an all-out frenzy for information on alternate and possibly obscure ways to communicate over long distances. Anyone with information that leads to the arrest of Lucius Malfoy is urged to contact the Ministry. He is armed and dangerous, a convicted killer. Do not attempt to detain him.

His location is unknown and there have been no leads on his whereabouts.........

Harry read through the article again it was the same as it had been the first three times he read it and that doesn't include the amount he's heard about it from Draco. With everything that happened the day before he had not expected Draco to be ok but, he was not prepared for cold detachment. Draco had a lot on his mind and Harry was hoping he could just find a clue, something to connect, that he could help and get his Draco back. It had been less than a day and Harry couldn't take it anymore he felt like a piece of himself was missing.

He seemed literally disconnected from Draco's emotions, he could try to guess but there was no surety like there had been. The bond felt broken and he felt cold, this morning when Minerva had come to them and told Harry that the portraits had simply said she was sleeping near the fire one second and then gone the next as if she apparated silently away. Of course, that was impossible both because of her age and that there was no apparition within Hogwarts. However, the news seemed to affect Draco a bit more and he had shut down. Used his Occlumency so harshly and suddenly it had almost felt like a real punch to the gut.

He had been trying to function throughout the day but, he couldn't take it anymore, not wanting to make a scene he grabbed Draco's hand at lunch break and led them to their room.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked flatly. Harry ignored him until they were behind their closed door and cast a silencing charm so people wouldn't overhear.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked pointedly and a bit too tetchily. Draco showed a moment of shock then anger and closed down again. He pressed his lips in a thin line and Harry thought a bit harshly that he looked like the old Draco.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said and Harry shivered, he was suffocating. He launched himself at Draco and kissed him fiercely, Draco seemed to want to pull away but then melted and kissed him back viscerally.

Harry felt it all, the way he relaxed in Harry's arms, the way the warmth flooded back into his chest, the blaze of life roaring its defiance. He moaned at the reconnect, moving his lips to Draco's throat.

"Please don't occlude." He muttered against Draco's skin. "It feels like the bond dies, it feels like you've died." He choked out resting his forehead against Draco's shoulder, not ready to look into the eyes that could break him. If he looked at Draco and saw the blank stare he had been wearing, it would break him completely, he needed to see the love, the want, the need in Draco's eyes. It was supposed to be for him, without it, he couldn't fathom.

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