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Harry woke up, once again wrapped in rapidly familiar arms. It was strange and surreal but he had honestly never been happier, though it wasn't entirely because of the secure warmth cradling him protectively and possessively. For the first time in so long he felt like everything was finally falling into place, it had been over two weeks since their Paris trip and Harry felt like he was on cloud nine. They had briefly discussed the 'publicity' of their relationship to which Harry sensing that Draco had not wanted it out in the open likely for similar reasons as himself, had said. "I want to keep you to myself for now, if that's ok with you!" Draco had grinned, eyes alight with such a burning happiness that Harry had snogged him until they had fallen asleep. After that they had shared whichever of their beds they would end up snogging on, until it became one big bed again and they hadn't looked back.  

Draco was still wary of being in anyway naked around Harry, dressing in the bathroom as usual. He had felt a little put out after his attempts to reassure the blond that he thought every part of Draco was gorgeous. Only in those moments of passion when their minds were solely focused on sensation did Harry get to appreciate the pale plains of his boyfriends body and in those moments he devoured the blond. Hands and mouth skimming over every inch, memorising it all, cataloguing all the ways he could make Draco lose himself. It was a challenge he was quickly becoming obsessed with, a game in where Harry had to find the ways to unlock Draco. Slowly peeling away each layer and wall he builds up over time until eventually, Draco is under him with nothing but ecstasy and bliss on his face. No mask, chanting Harry's name among the myriad of other noises, steadily building to its crescendo. Everytime he sees it, everytime he sees the softness in those silver eyes, every grin, smile and smirk that he saw had Harry falling so much harder than he thought possible. But that was only part of Harry's good mood, the other part was he had his best mate back.

Ron had been doing his best to put things behind them, even with being one of the few who realised the extent of his relationship with Draco. They all sat as a group, there was no snarky comments or name calling and both Draco and Ron were able to comfortably be apart of group conversations. Ron had gone back to how he and Hermione had known him to be before the war, jovial and loud, stuffing his face and forgetting to swallow before he spoke. He also seemed keen to fix things with Hermione personally. Harry noticed the tentative flirting and his attempts to redeem his actions even by being friendly with Blaise who Harry is sure Ron is aware is the competition. He had not had a chance to ask Hermione how she felt about the idea of Ron wanting her back as he was sure she had begun to consider Blaise an option. This acceptance from Ron might fall apart if Hermione rejected him, especially for a Slytherin. Pansy seemed to be having a better time since Rons change, Ron was treating her like more of a friend than Blaise and Draco but not quite as close as the original crew of Gryffindor's, even going so far as using her first name. That being said as a joke he had begun calling Harry 'Potter' to 'even things out' and the joke had seemed to stick.

So laying in the warm embrace of Draco Malfoy had become a morning and evening routine and everything else was right in the world.

No more dark lord.

The school was repaired and functioning better than ever.

Ron and Hermione were still huge parts of his life, along with Ginny, Neville and the rest of his old friends.

He had made new mates in Pansy and Blaise and the rest of the Slytherin lads, even Goyle who as it turned out wasn't completely thick and could in fact hold a conversation. He had surprised Hermione and the rest of their 8th year study group one afternoon by outsmarting her in healing knowledge.  

The mandrake leaf was so far a success, keeping them all on track to become animagi. Which he was extremely excited for, a small connection to the three Marauders that Harry had looked up to.

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