The Party and The after party.

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"Malfoy get up!, we are going to miss breakfast if you don't get up now." Potter shouted, Draco grumbled and was violently shaken awake.

"Potter if you value you life you will cease manhandling me right now!"

"Fine but come on, if you don't get in the shower right this minute I will Aguamenti your ass." he stood quickly and glared daggers at Potters smirking face, he had clearly already had a shower and it was then that he realized Potter was still dripping water from his jet curls and was wearing precisely nothing but the towel hanging from his hips. His sleep addled brain went straight to his cock and he quickly had to escape before it became noticeable. Slamming the door behind him he desperately tried to think of something other than the beads off water and their path down Potters olive skin through the chest hair beautifully scattered across his chest. He would have almost prefered to wake up with Potter curled in his arms again, that thought just elicited visions of a naked Potter in his arms and he resolved himself for a cold shower.

They were walking quickly to the great hall and Draco was pretty sure if he blinked he would drop dead and fall asleep where he stood. Potter was in a better state than he was and Draco wondered how long he had been awake before waking him. There were few people left in the hall when they got there and they quickly and sleepily ate oats and fruit, he used liberal amounts of sugar while Potter used honey. Potter was closest to the tea and made Draco his tea while Draco made Potters coffee as he was closest to that they swapped cups and sipped and sighed simultaneously finally coming alive properly. They both looked up when they heard someone close by snort loudly. It was Neville,

"You two looked like an old married couple." He chuckled, Seamus and Dean sniggering next to him. Draco didn't dare look at Potter and instead began eating.

"He's not a morning... well a waking person. I don't think it would matter what time he woke up he would always be grumpy." Potter quipped, Draco grunted in response, he had not slept well. The movie the night before had elicited a restless sleep filled with flashes from his childhood and the war. It was a great movie but the subject matter had hit very close to home. He glanced at Potters face through his hair and noticed the dark circles around his eyes, yes Potter had slept like shit too and just seemed to be better at hiding it. Draco had seen this from across the hall many times before but it was more obvious up close. Potter was right though he wasn't a 'waking person'.

"Fair enough, do you need any help setting up for tonight?" Neville asked.

"Sure, was in a rush this morning so I need to go back to my room to grab the music and stuff." Potter nodded. Once they had eaten and had enough tea and coffee to feel human again they headed back to their room with the three Gryffindors in tow.


Harry didn't really think things through when he had invited the three Gryffindor boys to his and Malfoys room when he had not yet had a chance to change the bed back and when they walked through the door Seamus laughed and said 

"Tell me this is how your room was originally set up, because the looks on your faces would have been priceless but I would pay to see the memory."

"No it was not like this we have seperate beds usually." Harry started and was about to explain. Seamus just laughed louder,

"I don't know what funnier. The two of you being forced to sleep together or choosing to. Not that there's anything wrong with it, you have my full support of course." He managed through his laughter. Harry scowled at him and saw the identical scowl on Malfoy's face, he had been annoyed at being interrupted but he was starting to think Malfoy may have been offended at the 'gay' reference. But then,

"You're right there isn't anything wrong with it but in this case it is not what happened we fell asleep after watching a movie." Gesturing to the T.V "Last time Pansy was here so you are more than welcome to join next time, to show your support of course." That was the snarky Draco Malfoy everyone knew so well, even turning his nose up at Seamus. 

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