Ronalds revelations.

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He had opened the newspaper and saw the huge spread about Narcissa and Lucius, there were photos of them at public evenings and even their wedding photo with photos of them as children for comparison. The first thing Ron noticed when he saw the photos was that he had forgotten what she looked like with that disgusted look on her face. For as long as he had seen her while staying at Grimmauld with her, she had been softly smiling, quietly in the background or looking thoughtful over something.

He began to think that the look had more to do with the company she had as opposed to the other people around her. There were some crazy speculation in the article and Ron didn't know what was true and what was fabricated for flare. The paper clearly said that there was no confirmation on these things but reading about forced obedience through imperious, potions and charms was starting to make him feel a little ill.

It all had him wondering what his life would have been like if his dad had have been like Lucius, all the expectations and discipline. He wondered what he would do if his dad ever treated his mum the way Lucius had treated Narcissa, what it would have been like to see this as a normal everyday occurrence. Surely Malfoy had not seen any of the alleged abuse. He had no idea though; it was making him wonder a lot. There were a lot of good things in there, the article was read sympathetic to her cause and wished her well in the future

He had a bunch of questions, when Lavender read what he was over his shoulder she made a sound of disgust.

"They shouldn't be allowed to just publish information without merit, and if it is true it's not very nice to have all that out in the open. I wonder if she knows it's been put to the public, oh, and to put the trial date for Lucius in there, it will cause a public mobbing." She seemed to think about that and amended. "Well, if it does happen let's hope he is the only casualty. We should tell her about the article or at least tell Harry and Draco." Ron had been nodding along with her while she ranted but stammered at that last part.

"Can't we just leave it open for someone to see it in the drawing room or something?" He complained. It felt like a good compromise.

"Ron we talked about this, we were wrong, he has changed. Draco has done nothing and to be honest I feel bad now for being a part of all that crap. He actually wants to help werewolves, I can't ignore that, we don't have anything left to accuse him of and like I told you my wolf can scent their connection when they are together. You will probably learn how to scent it to when you're a Weasel. Things like that can't be faked or manipulated."

"Alright, I admit they're in sodding love, the twats goo goo eye each other like two girls its weird to watch." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Come on, after everything we are here together, thanks to Harry."

"Yeah well, I reserve my scepticism that Malfoy is a really decent person until I see him actually put himself in harm's way to protect a puppy."

"So, joining Voldemort's army and being subject to torture or death with one wrong move to try and protect ones mother and having the balls to actually defy that to help the only person who could free them of their shackles. Come on we know enough; we have overheard enough to know that most of this article is true and there is probably a lot more that we don't know about. Now stop being ridiculous and put on your Gryffindor pants." she said slapping his arse as he went to walk away.

"I'd rather wear no pants." he growled as he grabbed her waist and cocooned her in his arms. She giggled the way she always does when he captures her.

"Maybe later..... " She ran her lips over his neck and up to the shell of his ear. "If you're a good boy." She whispered. Sending shivers running down his spine and straight to his cock, Merlin he wanted to be a good boy. "Let's go get it over with then."

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