Finding Regulus Pt 1

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Draco had listened to everything Harry had told him, he had slept on it and he still woke up a little confused, very shocked and feeling as if his life wasn't real at that point. Was he really dating death......literally?

He didn't know what to make of his life. He had gone from a rather disliked person in general, a Death eater and hated by one of the most famous wizards in the British Wizarding world. To having friends of all walks of life who genuinely seemed to like his company, political connections and opportunities for a future and that famous wizard was now in love with him. On top of that his mother was safe and thriving in spite of the worry they had over the magical backlash from the divorce from Lucius. But of all that, he was now confronted with the idea that he was in fact dating the most powerful wizard of their time, or any time for that matter. Merlin Who?

The strangest part of the whole thing was what Harry had said about him being Harry's counterpart. He would, if he ever accepted Harry in marriage, become life.

He knew logically that Harry couldn't actually be death, he had explained it as like Harry was deaths wand. Harry was able to draw on the magic of death itself and he would be able to do the same with the magic of life. He, Draco Malfoy would become just as powerful as Harry, his equal. And what's more they would have a very long life together, forever together. It was the kind of romantic crap he read about in his books and legends, the kind of crap he had secretly always wanted in his life, the hopeless romantic his mother had always said he was.

He was often reminded of the old tales of love and conquest that he read, the reality of war that he had witnessed and couldn't fathom the turn of events. What was so special about him? What did he do to deserve this kind of love and acceptance, to have that kind of power? There was something special about Harry, that much was obvious from the moment he became the boy who lived. But Draco was not Harry.

When he was younger he would have relished in his power, he would have felt invincible and probably become a sort of Dark lord of his own. No, more likely he would have killed his father long ago and run away with his mother, or then lorded over everyone. Point being he would not have balked at the thought of the power he would get in the event of choosing to marry the man he loves.

Now on the other hand he didn't feel like he deserved it. Now, he didn't want it, he wanted Harry not the power, he admitted that Harry's power was an attractive quality and made being with him exciting and was a total turn on. He liked having a powerful boyfriend that could look after him. It was like having power but not having the responsibility of it.

If he got what he wanted with Harry, a chance to be with him for centuries if not more the responsibility of power came with it. Maybe it wasn't a gift but a price to pay.

Harry was gifted the power of Death because he had not sought the power and chose to die willingly even with the power of the Hallow's at his disposal. He had shown that he could wield great power without it going to his head, without him abusing it. Draco didn't know what the universe was thinking or what Harry was thinking, whoever was in charge of these things, by choosing Draco as Deaths counterpart, its equal.

Harry's equal.

He was awake and enjoying just laying in Harry's arms, he had been idly tracing his fingertips over Harry's chest, playing with the hair that crossed his chest. Harry had just the right amount of chest hair, Draco had none.

"Are you ok love?" He heard Harry's voice groggily ask, his voice rumbling in his chest that Draco's ear was pressed against. The sound of Harry's heartbeat and breathing always calmed him and lulled him into sleep most nights they had spent together.

"M'just thinking." Draco said still not quite back to reality, still idly tracing his path across golden skin. He wondered what their position as powers of life and death would mean for their future?, was this why their bond was so different?, was this something that had been ordained or chosen years before they were even born? Was this why he was the only one of his mother's children to have made it? He had so many questions and things that had once seemed random or lucky in his life were starting to look like necessary steps that had to happen for him to be here right now.

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