Trials and Tribulations.

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The chanting had stopped, the embers had sparked and Harry suddenly felt warm again. It was so nice, the longer he waited the colder he had become and Harry had started to think he would never feel warm again.

The warmth he felt wasn't coming from the embers stirring to life in front of him but from behind him. He turned to see what the source of the warmth was and saw the light of an angel. The vision of a glowing man with white, blonde hair and eyes like storm clouds before the storm was alight in his vision. He had forgotten how dark it had been until his eyes burned and blurred and he had to blink away spots in his eyes.

"Harry?" The angel spoke, but it was no angel, it was someone far better than any angel. It was Draco.

"Draco, you came." He said, it had been what he was waiting for after all. Draco, who he could see clearly smiled at him sarcastically.

"Do you even know what is happening right now?" He said walking towards him.

As Draco got closer to him the pyre behind him that had the embers in it roared to life. Only when Draco had reached him and clasped his hand did the fire truly reveal its power. The heat suddenly appeared as if Draco had breathed life into it all, it was a beautiful flaming tornado, made up of all kinds of colored fire. He could see the pyre was made of a stone, the points of the pyre had seemed to warp and twist as if the stone had been melted and reformed. Only one point of the Pyre was just a normal block of stone and the whole thing was surrounded by a pool of water. All four elements he realized.

"No, what is all this?" He asked. Taking a better look at the reshaped parts of the giant pyre. Things were starting to become clearer. His brain had sort of gone fuzzy and his comprehension of things had been duller and now it was all coming back to him as if a fog was clearing. "Oh god, Draco I'm so sorry. This was not how I had planned for this to happen; I was meant to get you breakfast and tea in bed and make sure you were feeling ok. Are you feeling ok?" he asked facing Draco in full.

"I'll admit that waking up and you not waking up was not how I had wanted the morning after to go either but Harry, I mean do you know what is happening now, as in where we are and what we are doing here." Draco insisted.

His attention was once again drawn to the fire storm and he shook his head. "When I got here I just knew I was waiting for you, I have no idea how long it's been but it was all I could think about. I was sure you would find me but I had to wait for you." Harry tried to explain.

"We are in a type of spiritual trial by fire, the bond that we share, that we hadn't been able to identify, it's the twin flame spell that was cast on you before school. The woman who cast it may not have been your soulmate but I, well, there's a chance I am compatible and this is the final step of that bond."

"Final step?"

"Yes Harry, this will marry us. Hell of a way to ask, you didn't even get me a ring." Draco smirked, showing there was no sting to his words.

"Can I presume that the fact you are here means it's a yes then."

"You are an idiot."

"Yes, but I'm your idiot and you love me. Ready to be stuck with this idiot for the next 800 years or more." Harry said fondly. He wished he did have the ring he had in his office at home with him but he had not thought it was necessary yet. He looked at Draco to allow him to feel the weight of his word, "Will you marry me Draco, are you ready to be my life? I promise if you say yes I will dedicate my life to your happiness and be yours faithfully."

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