Official Day off.

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McGonagall had thankfully given the students a day off on the monday that followed the Halloween feast for the senior classes, so, from 5th years to the 8th years were doing their own studying or taking a break from the strains of their workload. Hermione was one of those who chose to work and continue to prepare for her exams, Ron who was trying to be a supportive partner, was with her in the library although she suspected it had less to do with supporting her wish to study and more to do with keeping a particularly handsome Slytherin from joining her. Hermione had finished her potions and was starting the ancient runes homework when Ron piped up from his silent thinking. She wasn't sure what work Ron had been doing but he put his quill down and turned to her, she prepared for some need for her to explain something trivial.

"'Mione, that spell you used on Harry, how long have you known about that spell?"

"I'm sorry what?" She put her own quill down to give Ron her full attention, she was surprised this conversation hadn't happened last night.

"That diagnostic spell, where did you learn that from?" 

"Oh recently I was stuck in a conversation with Goyle and he was telling me about his medimagic history, when I asked him how he had learned all that stuff, he told me his mother was a nurse and they had an extensive medimagic library at his house. I simply commented how Hogwarts was lacking in that particular subject matter. He told me that most of those books were with Pomfrey not in the library. So I went to the hospital wing and asked to peruse her books, she was happy to let me and I found the spell in there." She had come up with that lie after realising telling Ron that Goyle taught her the spell was unlikely to go down well. Luna had helped by saying if I needed someone to verify her story she was willing to and as people often avoided conversation with her they usually took her at face value, Ron would likely just accept Luna was there with her and not even ask Luna. "Luna was with me the whole time, I tested the spell on her to see if I could perform it and Poppy told me I had it correct." she added and shrugged. The quiet that followed was palpable, though when Hermione went to continue back to her work, Ron piped up again. 

"Were you looking for that spell in particular or did you simply have a craving for medimagic information and stumbled across it?"

"Well I was searching for a spell or something with the specific intention though I didn't know the spell I guess I was looking for it specifically but honestly it's me we're talking about I have always had a curiosity for medimagic as a whole." Ron nodded. He looked confused though and Hermione suspected that her plan to infiltrate the plot against Draco was being strategised in Ron's head.

"You were so supporting of their relationship, why would you have been looking for a spell to diagnose magical influences if you believed that Harry wanted to be with the git?"

"Yes well, Harry is still my friend and if it was a legitimate thing I wanted to be there for him, If I had of turned my back on him for it like you did, if something went wrong we wouldn't know and it's easier to observe behaviour when you can see it. I hadn't seen anything to suggest Harry's mind was being influenced, but I thought of other kinds of influences that would only show on a diagnostic so I started looking for those and I wasn't having much luck until Goyle gave me the location of the books I would need and odds are I wouldn't have had that conversation with him if I was on the outs with Harry. I'm in a better position to help him, although everyone has been really nice I'm not about to just accept things at face value. Honestly it's me, I'll find every last piece of information I can."

"So you don't think Harry is gay?" That threw her for a loop, she hadn't considered that Ron would be still on about that part, she had thought that he was past the idea Harry was gay.

"Well whether he is gay or not isn't really my issue... I had suspected that Harry was the type to swing both ways, he definitely likes girls but he has made some questionable comments to me over the years about certain male individuals and so it didn't come as a shock when he told me he was interested in exploring those options. This was before he and Draco had become a thing so I assumed it was legit and I have yet to discover anything that could alter a persons sexuality so to me it was the fact he was so suddenly smitten by Draco. Draco might be attractive but he's hardly the most attractive guy in the school and not the only gay man in the wizarding world." 

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