Countdown to Christmas.

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Sat 18th - 7 Days until Christmas.

Most of the student body were making their way to the train to take it back to London, off to spend Christmas with family. In Harry and Draco's room however, there was a steady line of people making their way through the Floo to Harry's house. They had set up enough rooms for everyone, Harry did have to use the ties to the house to expand it a few bedrooms but, it all worked out in the end. He had also expanded the dining room and created a rooftop ballroom thing which had Narcissa in a whirl of decorative ideas. It had been a very exhaustive and power draining experiment altering the house, but the smile on Narcissa's face and twinkle in her eye had been worth it and Draco's smile when he saw his mum, made Harry fall deeper in love with him.

Blaise and Hermione had gone through, and Pansy and Neville were currently making their way through but they had to wait for Leo, their beater and Theo's little brother. Ginny was bringing Theo to meet the parents and because Theo was going to be there Leo was coming too as Theo was the only family he had left.

"What do you think is taking so long?" Draco groused, they had hired some of the Hogwarts elves to work with Kreature over the Christmas break and there was a delicious welcome lunch waiting for them. Draco's stomach growled letting Harry know that was indeed the source of his mood.

Harry was about to respond when their door flung open and Leo waltzed in with Astoria Greengrass at his side.

"Um Harry, Draco, I was hoping - well, I know it's last minute but Tori only got the ok this morning- but can she come too." She elbowed him. "Er please."

"I really am sorry; my father was unsure at first but when I assured him that it was Harry Potter I would be guest to and with the help that Draco and Mrs. Malfoy were going to be there. He couldn't say no." Astoria chirped.

"Well then how could I possibly say no. Of course you can stay."

"Come on then let's go!" Draco pushed.

Harry chuckled and followed them through while Draco lead the way.


Narcissa was dressed nicely, she was to play hostess for the first time in so long even if for now it was just to Draco's friends from school. She wanted to blend in and so she had got Andromeda to purchase her some muggle attire and she had dressed in a knee length silk skirt and a matching silk blouse in Slytherin green. She thought she had done well at the muggle thing.

First to come through were Blaise Zabini and Hermione Granger,

"Blaise darling, good to see you. My you have grown to a handsome young man." She kissed his cheek as he gave a devilish grin and turned to Miss Granger, who looked a little nervous. " Thank you dear for your help in getting me here, I did not deserve the kindness you showed."

"Oh, no I didn't do anything really." She insisted, Narcissa hugged her.

"Nonsense, I hope we can put the past behind us. I am truly sorry for the things my family have done to you." She told the girl; it was a wonder the girl hadn't condemned them. "And I am grateful for you friendship to Draco."

"It's nothing really, he earned my friendship and respect and I don't blame you or Draco for what she did. I understand the position people were in. I'm not sure if I could boast that I'd have done any differently had Harry been in danger if I acted out. You had Draco to think about. You were a mother first." Hermione insisted. Narcissa had unshed tears in her eyes.

"Thank you dear."

The Floo flared again and next to step out was Pansy Parkinson hand in hand with Neville Longbottom. Narcissa took in the sight of them together and concluded they were a couple. Seeing the Longbottom boy, she realised her sisters crimes were past an apology so she wasn't sure what to say.

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