After the war!

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Shocking news as power couple, Harry Potter and Geneva Weasley call it quits, the world is devastated by the news, when they announced the end of their whirlwind romance to the public last night and ask for space during this time of transition. Speculations as to why the pair have so suddenly ended things are flying with the revelation that this romance was not meant to be. The only daughter of the Weasley family has decided that she will finish her N.E.W.Ts at Beauxbaton academy alongside her now sister in-law Gabriella DeLacour. As for our Golden boy Savior he is scheduled to stay in London for the upcoming Death Eater trials, rumor has it that Mr. Potter is to stand as defence to some of those in question as well as bringing in evidence for the dead who are not here to defend themselves  such as former Headmaster of Hogwarts Severus Snape. Mr. Potter also says he intends to help rebuild Hogwarts and intends to return with his fellow students when it opens to finish his own N.E.W.Ts.........

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Headmistress McGonagall has made statement to the press this afternoon exclaiming that she is happy to go ahead with the repairs as quickly as possible to get student back through the doors. Additions to the castle include a memorial hall called the hall of hero's, a dedicated space to remember all those who lost their lives at the battle of Hogwarts and a tranquility garden beautifully designed by survivor Luna Lovegood, a place for students to just relax. Tokens of remembrance and reflection for those returning including the 7th years who's N.E.W.Ts were disrupted, some of those who are said to return include Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger the golden trio responsible for the downfall of You-Know-Who, along with others from their year like the not so popular baby Death Eater, Draco Malfoy who faced trial and came out with a minor slap on the wrist, thanks to the endorsement of young Mr. Potter. Statements from Mr. Potter are yet to be heard about his decision to defend the Malfoy heir and his mother, leaving naught but speculation in its wake. The wizarding community was in shock to the news of the Malfoy heir being allowed to resume his studies alongside Mr. Potter, some fearing for the safety of our savior. Headmistress McGonagall however has expressed that she is not concerned and has taken every precaution necessary.

When questioned about the status of the house system, a subject of debate lately, she simply said "Yes, the house system will continue to be apart of the Hogwarts tradition, there are surprises in store for the future of the sorting process at least for the returning students." when asked for further information the Head mistress declined to comment. Although in this humble reporters opinion her predecessor Albus Dumbledore would have been proud of the mischief that shone in the Headmistresses eyes. What do the returning student have awaiting their return we can't wait to find out and keep you updated..............

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Hogwarts reconstruction efforts had finished early due and thanks to the amazing number of volunteers and donations. Only three months before the halls will be filled once again by eager minds ready to learn..............

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A statement was released today by the Hogwarts headmistress explaining that it won't just be new students that will be sorted by the sorting hat this coming year, the returning 8th year students will also be resorted.

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