Finding Regulus pt 2

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Reginald Baker had always lived a simple life, with few things that went wrong. He had a job and a home and he was just fine with that and didn't want anything more from life. Some of the people he regularly saw at his local haunts would often tell him he wasn't getting younger and should find a good woman to keep him warm at night. But, he wasn't interested, he didn't need anything more.

It was as if his heart was already claimed and was being perfectly looked after, he didn't need another person in his life to feel fulfilled, they didn't understand that so he would laugh it off and say love would come to him if it were meant to be. There had begun a now running joke that if he ever disappeared out of the blue, that his true love had come and swept him off his feet.

It was a nice enough Saturday morning in his little part of London. He lived in one of the most touristy parts of London with places like Buckingham palace close by and St James close to that. He saw the tourists in waves, all interesting people and it made for some interesting people watching a game or past time he had used to keep himself entertained.

He lived by The Starman on Heddon St, a place famous for an album cover by David Bowie that featured the street, this meant a lot of the time he was meeting people of all ages and personalities when they came to see the infamous building.

All in all though, he had a pretty good life. He only had one mystery and that was who he was when he was young. Reginald, though he didn't remember, had an accident and when he woke he couldn't remember anything but his name and date of birth, he was given the little information about his life at aged 20 and just told to get on with it, that his memory would come back eventually. That was almost 20 years ago and still nothing.

Doctors told him being in a familiar place with familiar people might trigger his memory but it had looked like he had just moved to the apartment he now still occupied. He pieced circumstantial things together but that had been almost half his life ago. He still had not got those memories returned, he had not been contacted by anyone who could have been family in the nearly 20 years so he assumed he had always been a bit of a loner.

And he was fine with that.

He had nothing he wanted or needed in his life that he couldn't get if he so chose, he was happy just where he was. In fact, he had gone down to the markets that morning to pick up some fresh vegetables for his vegetable soup. His simple life was not for everyone but he was content.

He had got off at Piccadilly circus, a nice walking distance from his home, he set on his way up along Regent Street lost in the crowd of people also making their way in that direction. There were families and couples and single people all around him, doing their own day to day, or something special for the weekend. And he was lost in thought as he walked the ten minutes to get to his flat.

Recently having a follow up appointment for his memory which he gets bi-yearly, he had once again been lost in thoughts of what if's. He sometimes thought about the different things that could have brought him to where he was, the different things that could explain why he had no one.

Perhaps he had run away from his life wherever it was before, he had money when he checked. He was well off and only really got a job for something to do during the day. So, in his mind perhaps he had come from a rich stuffy family who didn't understand him so he took his trust fund and left. It was an interesting possibility.

If it were the case what he sometimes toyed with was the imagined details of this phantom family, it explained why he had heard from no one. Why would a rich family care if one of their disgraces left and never returned.

He wondered if the family he had thought he was dead, that also explained why they had not looked for him. Of course he had tried to find them, two years after his accident when his memory had not returned at all, he had tried to look through archives for people with his last name. The thing with having a surname like Baker was that there were so many others with the same name that weren't remotely related to him. It was a fairly common name.

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