Merry Christmas.

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Draco thought he knew what to expect on Christmas morning, he was sure everyone had the same or very similar ways of celebrating but when a tiny child jumped on his and Harry's bed, he knew it wasn't so. In his youth he wasn't supposed to touch the gifts until breakfast was done and his father let him at it. Apparently the Weasleys and Harry preferred a more chaotic run of things.

Teddy was jumping on their bed and he was thankful for the choice of wearing pj's the night before. He sounded like he was trying to say "Christmas time" and "Presents!" but his vocabulary was limited so it came out very childlike.

"Morning Teddy, are you ready for presents?" Harry said groggily, grabbing the child and tickling him, eliciting high pitched giggles from him.

"Yay is ismas."Teddy tried through the onslaught of giggles and tickles.

"Does Nana know your here Ted?" Draco asked the child.

"I do." Said a voice from the door. Andy was there in a silk dressing gown, looking amused at the child and Harry's antics.

"Well, it looks like we will have to tell the rest of the house." Harry announced scooping Teddy out of their bed and onto his shoulders to go wake the rest of the house.

Draco made himself a little more presentable though everyone seemed to stay in their PJ's for the morning and he didn't want to be the only one in formal wear, clearly that wasn't how things were done here. He opted to just make sure his hair was neat and he was wearing a shirt as he only wore pants to bed, he could hear Harry and Teddy yelling at every door to wake up as they made their way to the drawing room where the tree was.

When he entered a few moments later almost everyone was cuddled up and sitting around the room with Teddy and Harry still rounding the others up. Kreature and Winky were offering everyone tea and coffee and many had taken their brew and was nursing it while they waited for the others.

Draco took his cup of tea and sat on the lounge that was his and Harry's favourite waiting for his boyfriend to take up his seat next to him. It took another 20 minutes for Harry to round up the rest of the house, his mother coming in with a dressing gown much like Andy's and looking a little shocked at the casual nature of everyone there. She came and sat at a chair next to Draco, Andy taking up the seat next to her and both of them taking the offered tea from Kreature.

"Merry Christmas Draco dear." His mother said to him.

"Merry Christmas mother."

Harry entered with Teddy seconds later and announced the gift opening to commence before letting Teddy loose and sitting with Draco.

"Merry Christmas Draco," Harry said to him, kissing him chastely before sitting. "I love you."

Draco couldn't help his goofy grin; he would never get used to hearing Harry say it.

"I love you too, Merry Christmas Harry."

Draco watched as Teddy went around to a bunch of people and got presents and gave presents, others around him doing the same, exchanging the gifts they had for others. He noticed Hermione was getting a lot of books as she had predicted. The rare copy of Egyptian magic practices that he and Harry got for her lighting her eyes up. Blaise and Theo were drowning in alcohol, commenting on how everyone thought they were drunks, Ginny and Hermione laughing at their spouses.

"Alright Teddy you want what me and Draco got you?" Harry asked the excited toddler as he played with some floating thing he got from George. "Here you go buddy." Harry handed the boy the long parcel they had wrapped and watched with Draco as the child ripped it open. It was a toy broom, the latest model with all the extra safety measures. Teddy was so excited, Draco didn't even care if he got any gifts it was wonderful just seeing the joy on the boy's face.

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