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Draco woke up on Tuesday morning after a rough night, he had been feeling guilty after reading the paper and seeing the results of Weasley's trial. The paper didn't actually give him information that he didn't already know except the verdict. But, that one piece of information was enough to floor him, Weasley had been sent to Azkaban. When he was a petulant little brat of a child he might have relished in the thought of Weasley being sent to that place. He didn't now though, he felt horrible, like he should have done more to stop this from happening.

Harry had tried to act like the news had not affected him but, Draco was pretty sure that Harry felt bad about the situation too. He could feel it through the bond, even if Harry didn't want to admit it, he couldn't actually hide it from Draco. The whole situation left him feeling conflicted, he was upset but he was relieved that he no longer had the unbreakable vow restricting him. Harry had asked about a million questions in regard to what happened at that time. He wanted to know everything and eventually Draco had given in and offered the memories of the incidents.

Harry had entered the penceive and when he finished watching and came out, Draco had almost regretted showing him. Harry had come out of the penceive with his magic crackling dangerously at the surface and only when Draco had been pinned to the wall of Harry's office by Harry had the magic begun to dissipate. The intensity of Harry's feelings washed over him when their lips met and Draco was weak in the knees from more than just the kiss.

Others had visited to give them homework and things they needed to catch up on throughout the weekend but Monday everyone was back to classes and Harry and Draco spent the day trying to distract themselves from the trial by doing the work they had to catch up on. It had worked for a while but in the afternoon after the trial was done they were too anxious for the verdict they couldn't concentrate on their work. Kingsley had Flooed over after everything was settled at the Ministry however by then the evening edition of the Prophet had already told them that Weasley was in prison.

Harry was already awake by the time Draco had woken and it was strange to wake up alone in their bed. Draco got up and dressed casually before setting out to find Harry, finding him in his home gym working off the nights frustrations. Draco's mouth went dry at the sight of Harry this way, shirt off, dripping with sweat and muscles flexing under the strain of the movements. Harry had always been rather scrawny as a kid and he was still shorter than Draco but, since the war, Harry had filled out and had the body of a man now.

Draco loved seeing that body, the golden skin flecked with scars and covered in the moving tattoos he no longer hid from sight, every bit of Harry turned him on, this was no different. Draco watched his lover doing pull ups with weights strapped to his waist, he watched as the muscles in Harry's back and shoulders shifted and flexed with every repetition. Harry was strong enough to lift Draco and the reminder of this sent a thrill down Draco's spine, sending blood south. After Harry had made it clear that he did want to fuck Draco but, wanted to make it special, Draco was finding it difficult not to think about it. When would it happen? How would it happen? Would Harry want to wait for them to be able to go somewhere for dinner first or something? He wasn't sure they could hold out that long. Especially being in such close proximity to each other.

When they had been in the heat of things and Draco had tried to hint at going further before Harry had stopped them, he hadn't actually considered the mechanics of the act, he just felt like it was what he wanted. Now, he was left thinking about the mechanics of what they were going to do. He still wanted to, that hadn't changed but, now he was thinking about it he wondered if it hurt? Pansy had always been a little too open with him about her sex life and had remembered the first time she had had sex with a boy. She had explained that it had hurt a little bit, that it felt strange and foreign and she at first wondered if it would be good at all and why people did it. Then she had said it got better, of course both parties had been barely 15 and inexperienced in most everything, so it wasn't spectacular for her but, it gained her curiosity.

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