The big reveal.

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Trigger warning: Domestic abuse and sexual assault!

Harry and Draco had decided to have a quiet dinner alone in the kitchens, while everyone fussed about what they had turned into. They spoke animatedly about the magic, scrawling in their diaries they would hand in the next morning. They were careful to not reveal anything to the other about their form but they could tell that each other were excited.

Harry was definitely excited to show every one, and he was pretty sure no one had bet he would turn into that. Harry had been confused at first not knowing exactly what he was, Professor Anderson told him it was really rare, which of course, because he couldn't just be an average toad or something. He had spent a good half an hour with the Professor making for a more easy shift, the professor's animagi form was a grizzly bear which seeing his daughters patronus in class now made a lot more sense. 

He was ready to show off a little.

He could tell Draco was too.


Ron was hoping everyone had forgot, he had successfully turned into an animal but he was starting to think he should say that he had failed.

He slept in not really wanting to go to breakfast, he just knew today he was going to embarrass himself and he knew he hated Malfoy more than anything. When he did finally make it to breakfast he rushed in and started stuffing his face to avoid talking. It didn't last long though,

"Hey any teasers on who might be winning the bet mate." Seamus slapped him on the shoulder and almost had him choking. "These two wankers wont say a damned thing and swear they don't know what each other turn to despite sharing a room." Ron looked over at Harry and Malfoy. Harry was waving people off saying 'all in good time' and 'It'll be worth it.'

DAMN. Harry must have gotten a lion, that would have been so cool.

Malfoy was reading his diary, probably making sure it was perfect the bloody swot but looked completely unfazed. Like he didn't just find out what his animal form was or... Ron thought with a twist in his stomach, his form was so cool he didn't need to be anxious over it. It was probably something that could kill them all like a basilisk. 

"Anyone want to tell me how the games went on saturday with the project we couldn't risk getting sick to watch." Ron asked the crowd to change the subject.

"Ravenclaw won both the Junior and the senior games. Junior division won 150 to 10 and was a remarkably fast game for it being that kind of weather. Senior division won by an impressive amount of 380 to 30 but the game was fairly long and no one actually saw them catch the snitch cuz of the cloud cover but Ravenclaw caught it." Zabini told him concisely.

"Right..." he thought about that and what it would take for them to have a comeback, could Gryffindor still win the cup. Thankfully breakfast was over and people stopped talking about the transformation. Not so thankfully, it was double potions and he would be required to show his form. He should have kept his mouth shut and done it without bragging, or just chose to do liquid luck or polyjuice, anything but what was going to happen.


"Class good morning, we are going to be moving out to the courtyard for the first part of the lesson as I'm sure you're aware we have some reveals to see today. I confirmed that each of the boys have completed it successfully I, however only know Draco's form as I was there to witness it. Truly marvellous thing. I am as of yet unaware of Harry and Ronalds forms, so it should be a lovely surprise for all of us.... Follow me." Slughorn led the way until they were in the courtyard and bid the class to spread around so they all had a good view. He then ushered the three boys to get closer to him.

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