Tis the season for the Drama.

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AN: Fa la la la lah, la la la lah

Harry and Draco were having a productive few weeks. Since the weekend that Harry had rescued Narcissa, Harry had got a letter from Percy apologising to him about how he reacted to Draco and Draco had got an owl from Ginny explaining that he hadn't screwed up and that the family were fine after he had sent a three-page apology to her for revealing Percy's mark. Then Harry had announced that he was having Christmas at Grimmauld this year, so he could spend it with Draco and Narcissa and he welcomed everyone to come by on the day or stay for a few. Hermione, Blaise, Pansy and Neville were the first to volunteer to stay, soon Luna, Greg, Dean, Seamus, Hannah, Astoria and Leo were also staying. Ginny had mentioned that she was revealing her relationship with Theo at Christmas so that meant Theo would be there too. The entire Weasley clan would be in attendance and Andy and Teddy would also be staying, it was going to be a full house and they had both been helping Narcissa plan for it and prepare everything.

Spending so much time with Narcissa, Harry had grown to enjoy her company, while she wasn't as boisterously motherly as Molly was, she was tender and liked to groom him, making sure he looked his best. He noticed this was the same kind of motherly affection she used with Draco and it warmed his heart to be a part of that so quickly. Also, it had meant she kept him informed on her research efforts concerning the strange link between himself and Regulus. Harry had become increasingly curious about it the longer it took Narcissa to find an answer. It left him with a lot of questions about what he didn't know about his parents, what he didn't get to ask Sirius or Remus about them. It had him wondering about the resurrection stone he had dropped in the forest all that time ago, if there were a link between him and Regulus would he be able to summon him directly. Maybe then he would get some answers from the source.

Draco had been on cloud nine for the past few weeks, since Molly had sent him a thanks for the replacement flowers he had sent a week after the dinner. Her thank you had included home baked sweets, as Draco had a sweet tooth, this was the best thanks he could receive. Harry could tell he was happy through their bond and Draco seemed to pick up on his moods easily as if reading his mind. It didn't bother him that there was no privacy from Draco because it did make communication fairly easy. No one had picked up on their bond they had found a box amongst the things Harry had got from Gringotts that had matching rings in it. They were for a male and a female rather obviously but when they discovered that they rings transformed for the wearers need, when Draco had held the feminine onyx ring and wished out loud it was something subtler. It had formed into pendant, so Harry did the same to his and got chains to wear them. The power that gave them away as bonded had now been blocked to outsiders, they could still feel each other but no one else would notice the constant flow of magic between them.

They had done so much research about the bond that they were both now capable of using it consciously and while they were in wolf form they could almost see through each other's eyes, the mental link had been so strong. They kept all this to themselves, well except Hermione and Blaise, who was still bragging about his win because of their matching forms. He had said that because he was right he wanted to study them, which at first was a little disturbing had turned out to be rather helpful.

The castle as a whole was decorated for Christmas and things were just going smoothly, Ron had seemed to back off but he was still the only wild card in the school as far as Harry was concerned. He just didn't know what to do. According to Hermione he was pulling away from her and Ron was also acting strange in the fact he was always busy but no one ever really knew what he was doing, he said homework or quidditch but it was Ron. It just didn't add up. He kept it in the back of his head, Ron was just keeping to himself too much for Harry's liking and it pained him that he found this behaviour suspicious in his best friend. Right now, though he wanted to enjoy his boyfriends happiness and maybe get some answers about the Regulus thing.

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