Chaos rains.

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Sitting on the balcony that overlooked the rest of Rome, Lucius Malfoy was feeling better about himself. He was free of the constraints of imprisonment and had his magic back. It was fortunate that so many foreign ambassadors had transferred into the British ministry after the war, it enabled Lucius to get a few people within the Ministry to keep track of things. This in turn made it easy for him to find out what he needed to break the restrictions placed on his magic. The Tattoo he got below his Azkaban numbers had disappeared and his magic was returned with a simple potion.

It was a represent within the ink that had been preventing him from using his magic, otherwise wandless magic would have been his saving grace. That was unnecessary now, he had a wand and a powerful one at that. When he gripped the handle after taking the potion for the first time and felt his magic answer his summons, it was euphoric. He had been so happy to be free when he arrived, the family that was housing him had thrown a party in celebration. Since then, it had been the life of a bachelor for him, he got reports from all over telling him the comings and goings of back home and at night, a new young witch would warm his bed.

The darker side of the Italian aristocracy was much the same as the British, wishing to see those lesser than them in their rightful place. Muggleborns and squibs subservient to the pure, he had a young squib to take care of his needs, any of them. As a gift to him, his cousins had gifted him with their squib daughter to serve him. His cousins had been fortunate with sons and daughters having a fair number of them over the years. The youngest of their sons was at Hogwarts with his betrothed to carry out his plans, of course if he failed then the boys betrothed would become his new wife and the next Lady Malfoy once his old life was disposed of.

He was awaiting word on the next student to be sacrificed for his plot to succeed and judging based on the lack of coverage in the daily prophet, the ministry was trying to keep what was going on under wraps. He was aware that the ministry was aware of what was happening at the school. The minister himself appeared to be the one helping cover up the events, he wondered if Draco had managed to use his relationship for power after all. That was highly doubtful, the boy was a welp, the runt of a litter of pups. He blamed Narcissa, the woman was weak and her offspring reflected that. The fact it had taken so long to even produce an heir was appalling on its own, he was free of that too, thank merlin.

He let out a contented sigh and heard the Floo in his apartment woosh into life and saw the faint green glow of the flames as his guest walked through.

"Ah, what news do you have? Was the third portkey successful?" he asked the boy as he walked in from the balcony to the sitting room it was attached to.

Antonio Medici, was a fine young man but, Lucius did still have his reservations about the boy. He didn't seem to have the stomach for what needed to be done. Regardless the boy had done his job without hesitation. He had proven to be a decent strategist and was able to spy well, not one person seemed to even notice him most of the time.

"Yes and no, sir." the boy said, "The portkey worked fine and a student was transported to the chamber, however it was the wrong student."

"Wrong student?"

"Yes, sir. The target it appears, gave the ring to another student and they were wearing it at the time."

Lucius thought about this, they had targeted the muggleborns who had stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas first and so far the trinkets they gifted each of them had worked perfectly for the timed portkeys. It was a foolproof plan, they had gathered personal information on all the muggleborns at the school, each item was specially gifted to each of those student among them that had stayed for Christmas. Then those items were timed to take them to a specified destination, they took back the trinkets and wiped their memory of it, that way the remnants of the magic can't be detected when they returned. Why would one of them give their gift away?

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