Yule Traditions and Moon Traditions.

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3 Days to Christmas

There was an air of relaxed laziness around Harry's home that morning, Pansy had been pleasantly surprised to find Harry had styled his house well and it wasn't as stuffy as a lot of the old family manor houses. It felt warm and welcoming and it was so easy to curl up with hot chocolate and enjoy the calm and peace in Nevilles arms.

They all heard screaming upstairs, Ron and his mother were at it again, the Weasley's had been loud and many but they were all interesting and nice and didn't treat her with scorn or anything she had originally thought she was in for. Neville had tried to assure her that she would be fine but over the year before she came back to school she barely left the house because of the looks she got for her association with the Malfoys'. This of course made her resolute in her decision to stand by Draco, he was one of her earliest friends as it were for them in those days.

She had suffered through her scorn and since being back at school and having the connections she had now the scorn had stopped but she couldn't get passed the expectation it would happen. Blaise had obviously ran off to Italy with his mother, Theo had run off to France for 'work' and Greg had locked himself in his manor that was now just his. Pansy had gone over to see him a few times and found the git drunk or passed out in his own vomit. She looked over the room while the sporadic screeching continued somewhere upstairs, Harry and Draco were sitting with Narcissa and Andy and Teddy, talking yule traditions among the old families. Then there were couples curled up all over the place, Blaise and Hermione were curled up on one armchair reading a book together, it was sickeningly cute. Ginny and Theo were laying along a loveseat, Ginny reading a magazine about quidditch and Theo was looking over contracts.

What surprised her the most was the couples she had not noticed while at school, Astoria, who was exceedingly bad at keeping secrets had been with Leo since their 3rd year and Pansy had not noticed a thing. They seemed happier to be out in the open about it but they seemed to know each other more intimately than any other couple. The absolute biggest surprise was Greg and Hannah, while they had been close at school over the last term, she had not thought it was that close. However, during their little shopping trip, she had seen the unmistakable relationship in full swing. They had told her when she asked that a younger Slytherin was being a prick to her, Hannah the sweet girl she is, was a bit overwhelmed by the confrontation and Greg had stepped in to save her and healed the scrape she had got from the kid pushing past her and knocking her over. From there it had blossomed into a rather interesting relationship. She had a calming effect on him but he was fiercely protective of her.

She basked in the sudden serenity, the shouting had stopped and soon after Molly, Arthur and Ron came into the room, everyone pretended they didn't just hear everything. Molly and Arthur joined Harry and Draco and quickly became a part of that conversation. Ron however, instead of going to sit alone somewhere or to pester one of his single brothers, he made his way over to her and Neville.

"Hey Pansy, Nev. Mind if I hang with you guys for a bit?" he asked seemingly embarrassed. Pansy was still part Slytherin so she was a little weary of the ginger but gestured for him to sit regardless. He sat on the lounge next to them but with enough distance he wasn't in on the cuddling.

"What can I do for you Ron?" She asked, getting to the point.

"Oh um, nothing I ju-" He tried but when she raised a brow at him, he huffed. "Fine but it's private." He said, so she cast a quick muffliato and gestured for him to go on. "Ok so, first I wanted to say I heard what you said the other day, I mean I really heard it and I'm sorry too for being a git back then and I just figured you would understand. I need to see Lavender for the full moon tomorrow and mum won't just let me go, says I need to learn my lesson about doing the right thing. Which I kinda get but I don't see abandoning my new girlfriend as the right thing to do." He rushed to explain. Pansy appraised him with a scrutinising look for a while and he didn't flinch.

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