The Animagi Project.

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Over the next ten days Harry watched Ron, Hermione and Blaise and Draco. Rons behaviour wasn't really any different, he still tried his moves on Hermione and was acting his normal self with Harry, which Harry was grateful for but it also grated on him that it was fake and he knew it. Hermione was giving Ron his second chance by the looks of it and Harry was unsure at first why, then he remembered it was Hermione he was thinking of and it was probably for information, Ron was a sucker when it came to womanly wiles. Blaise seemed to have become a middle man and a bodyguard using his distance from Hermione to become Draco's shadow and Draco just seemed to be like a rag doll allowing himself to be pulled in whatever direction the others decided to pull him. Towards Harry, Draco was different, distant as if he had put the breaks on their relationship.

Harry wasn't sure how to take it, Draco had backed off physically but was fine talking to him, he obviously attributed this to Draco's belief that Harry wasn't entirely in charge of his faculties. Harry indulged and had no problem with it, they had actually learned quite a bit about each other. The thing was it was as if they were friends, when they talked it was like Draco was trying to start again as just friends, it felt like Draco had broken up with Harry without telling him. Draco had told him that he played two instruments and drew realism stills that he enchanted to move and even showed him one he had framed of his mother but without any touching it was like a mate telling him about something interesting.

"She said to me when I showed her that it made her look more beautiful than a silly photo and I should keep it to remember how I see her, so I framed it and it sits on my nightstand at the manor I took it with me this year because.... well The Manor doesn't feel like home anymore." He had told Harry when he showed him. Harry had wanted to hug and Kiss and cuddle his boyfriend, he wanted to hold hands while watching movies and sleep next to each other all he got were grins, pats on the shoulder and playful ribbing. It wasn't even about the sex, though it would be nice, Harry knew it didn't always have to escalate and he was fine with that but not even barely touching was making Harry feel unwanted. It left him wondering if Draco was second guessing being with him at all because it was becoming hard and dangerous. Harry was the chosen one, the almighty fucking slayer of the Dark Lord would Draco feel obliged to be with him because he didn't want to be on Harry's bad side. 

Draco had told Harry he wouldn't go anywhere as long as Harry wanted him but that didn't really tell Harry That Draco still wanted him. It jumbled everything in his head and was making it hard to concentrate on everything else and though in a way they were getting closer with talking he wanted to see that bliss on Draco's face again to see the real Draco behind the walls he kept up. Harry had noticed Draco's use of occlumency when he was trying to hold back, he did it much more often. Harry just had to find away to reconnect.

Today was however the day of the full moon which meant tonight Harry, Draco and Ron would start the brewing portion of their Animagi project, Harry was hoping today, with all its excitement would be a good day to try something new with Draco that he had read in Hermione's not so subtle gift. With the mandrake leaf no longer in his mouth after tonight, he hoped he could show Draco just how much Harry wants him. And in turn know that Draco still wants him and the distance is to do with Ron, he would be able to focus then and root out the problem, hopefully before christmas. During the day they had a date Harry had planned with the group so that it didn't 'look' like a date but it also had the duel purpose of showing a united front in the public eye. Everyone was going to be there, almost the whole 8th year and some people were visiting for lunch like Andy, Teddy and George. Draco just didn't know yet. 

It was still early so Harry snuck out of bed and out of the room to get to the kitchens early, he had an order to pick up. When he got there the elves handed him his bundle and he quickly snuck back in to his dorm thankful that Draco had not stirred. He conjured a small breakfast table that could go over Draco's lap, piled it with the food he had procured, then levitated it so it followed behind Harry carefully so Harry could wake up the blond. He crept up to his very own sleeping beauty and began to nuzzle gently into Draco's neck, working his lips up and across the jawline of his boyfriend. Draco, still sleepy began to squirm under Harry's ministrations. Harry continued to pepper kisses up to his temple stroking his fingers over Draco's side and through his hair, only stopping briefly to coo a 'Good morning love' into his ear, ghosting his breath over the sensitive skin there. He was rewarded with a shiver and a grin as Draco began to wake up, not quite coherent enough to resist the affection he was putty in Harry's hands. 

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