Shopping and Shenanigans

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5 Days to Christmas.

Harry awoke on Monday morning and knew he was in for a day of chaos; he could hear that the girls were already up, screeching at their male counterparts to hurry up and get up. Harry cuddled closer to Draco tightening his grip on the blond in his arms, he would never get used to it. Having Draco to himself like this.

"I have never been so happy to be gay and to have you." He commented as he felt Draco wake up.

"Hmm does that have anything to do with the lack of high pitched, hysterical hounding."

"Absolutely..... and I prefer to wake you in a way that puts you in a good mood." Harry saw Draco smile, eyes still closed.

"Oh, and how could you do that, I'm notoriously not a morning person." The challenge in Draco's voice was clear and Harry knew exactly how to wipe that smirk right off his face. He wrapped his hand around Draco's already hard cock.

"I think I like my chances of a happy Draco today."

Half an hour later, the two men were finishing up with dressing Harry had gone with the Slytherin green shirt and scarf with Sirius's black leather jacket and Draco had gone the grey and light blue that Harry though was sexy but not as sexy as when Draco did his all-black look. He knew why Draco avoided the all-black look in public, he knew as well as anyone public image could have a drastic advantage or disadvantage to public opinion. As much as he hated his fame with a burning passion, it did force a level of awareness. He had recently been described as all grown up and mature and distinguished, the boy who lived had turned from venerated hero to distinguished gentleman of high respect and he knew it had to do with the way he held himself when in public and his new look. What surprised him was that, this he didn't mind, people had still stopped him on the street when he did rarely venture out but the mobbing had stopped. The downside is that he got more marriage proposals from fathers and now older witches were asking if he were willing to partner with a more experienced woman who could look out for him. Draco had made it a point to joke about the stiff competition he had.

There was a bashing at the door and Ginny and Pansy both screamed in tandem.


"Everyone else might be too scared but I will knock this door down no matter what you're both doing in there. You know I will Potter!" Came Pansy's voice after. Harry opened the door on her just as she had finished her threat, her fist poised to knock again, Ginny tapping her foot impatiently behind her, Neville and Theo were a little farther back down the Hall looking dubious and ready to flee.

"Really Pansy, back to Potter so quickly." He pouted. "Besides," He walked past her smirking checking his watch, "We still have 20 minutes before the surprise your darling boyfriends all helped to organise for you ladies shows up."

The girls looked at their boyfriend who both shrugged,

"Really we just helped pay for it, Harry was the only one who knew how to acquire the ... Surprise." Neville explained. "Blaise too." Harry watched Hermione widen her eyes at Blaise, who grinned smugly. They were all waiting for them at the end of the hall.

"I told them all we had time and to leave you both alone, Draco doesn't do well in the mornings." Blaise said as they caught up and headed to the entry hall as a group.

"Oh, I think I have cured him from that affliction." He said in a low voice to Blaise, they both looked back at Draco who was following behind in a blissful almost dreamy way. They both snickered.

"He looks more like Lunas cousin with that look on his face instead of his usual morning scowl." Blaise commented and when Harry looked back again and saw Luna talking with him he concurred that when Draco looked free he did look like a languid aristocratic male version of Luna.

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