Emergency at Malfoy Manor.

18 2 0

T.W --Abuse

Ron was once again hanging out in the Gryffindor common room waiting out his free lessons while Natalia was sending her father a letter about if she were going home for Christmas. Class must have finished because because Lavender sauntered into the common room laughing with, none other than Natalia herself.

"Look who I found coming back from the library after class?" Lavender crooned gesturing to Natalia.

"Oh good I thought she had got lost on her way to the owlery." Ron ribbed.

"Hush, I was not lost. I found my way to the owlery and then to the library, where I wanted to go just fine and I was doing fine finding my way back here, thank you very much." Natalia quipped back and giggled.

"Well we don't have long. I have to go to my room in an hour, so if you need anything grab it now, especially if you want to eat first." Lavender said over her shoulder as she made her way to the 8th year dorms. Ron watched her hips sway from side to side as she sauntered away, Natalia nudged his foot to get his attention and very quietly whispered,

"Watch who sees you ogling other girls." Tilting her head to Pansy who was listening to Neville talk Herbology. He nodded. His interest in Lav needed to cool down, though he suspected that was easier said than done. It was the full moon tonight, the first night he would see her transform, he was so excited he leaped from his chair and grinned at Natalia.

"Well I should get what I need for tonight." Natalia scoffed at his unnecessary comment.

"Of you go, Romeo." She quietly commented.

An hour later he and Lav had finished eating, while everyone was likely just sitting down to eat. Ron was feeling nervous, the only other time he had seen a werewolf shift was Remus in his 3rd year. Lav seemed a little apprehensive too, she had been pensive and quiet during dinner which was a little unlike her. She may not be the chatty girl she once was but she still held a conversation well, it was strange seeing her vulnerable, she seemed so small and fragile all of a sudden. 

"Is everything ok?" He asked, she smiled weakly at him and nodded he head.

"I have to-" She gestured to the room where she would transform.

"Do you still want me to be in there with you?" He thought maybe she was feeling insecure. She thought for a minute while she downed the Wolfsbane, grimacing at the taste.

"I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to scare you or you to-"

"Hey I know it's you, I will be an animal too so you can't hurt me." He cut her off to reassure her, "You won't scare me, I promise." She nodded and walked to the room, Ron followed.

"You should shift, it will be soon." She said, turned away from him. Her hands were clenched into fists and her voice was strained.

"Right. Talk to you on the other side." He shifted, Being significantly smaller than his normal self was a strange sensation. Everything from Lav herself to the furniture looked so big, but he skittered across the stone floor to the bed frame, climbed up and settled in a place where he could see her face. 

He couldn't speak but his senses were heightened, he could hear a pin drop, he could see things clearly and he could smell everything. The room currently smelled like her, the floral scent of her perfume mixed with the berry fruits of her shampoo made her smell like a deliciously edible bouquet. She looked at his little Weasel form and smiled fondly.

"I never did get to tell you how adorable you are like this. I like your form better than the other boys, they think changing into a wolf is easy, fun, painless.... when it's not when you're forced to do it. You remind me of fun and laughter.... innocence. You remind me of my innocence." She sat on the bed next to him breathing deeply. He couldn't say anything but he crawled onto her lap to give some kind of comfort. She stroked his fur, and that felt amazing, if he were human his reaction would be entirely inappropriate for the moment but she scratched and pet him and he lost himself in his animal instinct and flopped on his back exposing his belly to her. She giggled at his reaction, then clutched her chest and let out a pained moan. 

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