Practice, Plans and Paperwork

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Harry had a nightmare that night, his day had been to relaxed. He wasn't exhausted enough when he and Malfoy had gone to bed, the nightmare was horrible. It was the same as it was most times he remembered his dream, he was flying out of the Room of Requirement with Draco clinging to him, this time he didn't slip and fall he was grabbed from behind and pulled off, by Ron. He had dived for Draco and just as they were both about to be engulfed in the Feindfyre, he awoke panting and gasping for air. He cast a tempus charm it was 3 in the morning, perfect. He had decided to get up and just floo home to use his gym, when he heard a small voice, 

"Potter?" It was unsure and questioning.

"Yeah" He whispered into the darkness.

"Can't sleep?" Malfoys questioned.

"Yeah, You?" He asked,

"Yeah, nightmare?" Malfoy asked "I get them too most nights." He added.

"Yeah." He sighed almost hoping Malfoy didn't hear him, but it was so quiet in their room. The silence drew on for a while, his thoughts whirling in a mass of tortured confusion, so he drew his curtains and got up to go to the fireplace. 

"Where are you going?" Malfoy asked drawing his curtains and watching him now,

"Home." was all Harry said in explanation then threw the powder down calling his address and feeling the woosh as he flew through the network of fireplaces. He landed in his sitting room but made his way to the gym room he had and with a flick of his wrist and an 'Accio' to the book he had been reading, he had loud music and a book to read as he jogged on his magical version of a treadmill.


Draco watched as green flames swallowed Potter up, his face was tortured and lost a sad contrast to the confidences Potter had been displaying lately. He wondered if he would come back, well he knew Potter would come back eventually he had an appointment with the Headmistress for lesson planning. More than that however, Draco wondered if Potter would still want to practice quidditch in the morning or if he was planning to stay at his home until his appointment. It upset him strangely that Potter had just left without saying anything, had he scared him away by mentioning the nightmares, they were friends, he thought to console by sharing. When he thought about it more as he woke up more, he reassured himself he was being stupid. He and Potter had only been friends for less that 2 full days, he was hardly in a position to ask those kinds of personal questions, Potter had a way of making him feel comfortable, like they had always been friends. Draco had to remind himself that he was the bad guy, he had terrorized Potter and his friends, joined the opposing side of a war that killed the bloke, even if he didn't stay dead, he still had to prove himself worthy as such. Draco felt like an idiot. In his nightmare addled brain he had overstepped the boundaries of the delicate friendship they had. Draco felt cold, his gut felt heavy. Sitting on his bed he brought his knees up, wrapped his arms around to clutch at the other elbow, he lay his chin atop his knees, staring into the darkness of the room. The shadows played along the walls cast by the eerie light through the window out to the lake in their room, it reminded him too much of the shadows creeping around the manor. Living in the same house as the Dark lord was the worst time of his life. It taught him valuable lessons however and he chose to take those with him through to the other side of this ordeal. More than the ability to hide in the shadows and remain quiet and polite, he wanted to show people he had learned about priorities, about real love and acceptance, about the reality of what is really important, life, love, Happiness. He no longer thought he was important like he did as a kid, he knew he wasn't better or more important than anyone else. He didn't really think he was important at all, the real fact was that he had plenty to live for with his mother and friends, but if he had died in the war, all of this would still happen, people would still live and find happiness after the fact, everyone dies and it does little to change the bigger picture. 

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