chapter 5

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Dolores"I can't believe it. Why were they doing this to me? To Mirabel? Don't we get to love who we want too?, God how's she gonna take it she's the one that deserves this the least...."

*All her thoughts stopped and her heart fell to her stomach as she opened the door and That's when I heard Mirabel screaming*


*Dolores turned around and gave her parents the nastiest glare they've ever seen Dolores give with tears threatening to fall from her face*

Dolores:Stay the hell away from Mirabel and me or I swear....

*Dolores hissed before running out of their room. Felix sighed as he sat down next to Pepa and hugged her softly rubbing her arm, Pepa hid her face on Felix's chest and let out a small sob*

Felix:well...she took it about as well as we thought she would...

*Pepa didn't response she just keep weeping while Felix soothed her*

Felix"looks like the crops are gonna get a bit more rain today"

*Felix thought with a sigh already hearing the farmers complaining that the weather isn't always perfect*

With Dolores

*Dolores ran to the source of the screaming that being Julieta's room. There was a storm following behind her, fire inside her heart and lightning behind her eyes as she opened the door with a slam*

Mirabel:I can't marry Dolores! That's not right!

Before with Mirabel

*Mirabel was busy in the nursery using her sowing machine when a knock on the door stoped her and her work*

Mirabel:come in!

*The door opened and Mirabel turned around, it was her parents looking at her strangely, they were smiling but Mirabel knew that smile it was the force smile they would always give her*

Mirabel:yes? Can I help you guys with something?

*Mirabel said in her usual happy tone not at all affected by the smiles already used to them after so long. Julieta elbowed Agustin to start and he coughed almost tripping on the very air in front of him*

Agustin:I uh...what are you doing Mirabel?

Mirabel:just fixing clothes that people don't use anymore I'm gonna give them to father alves maybe he'll find someone to give it to

*Julieta's and Agustin's smiles became a little more real seeing there daughter doing an act of good just because*

Julieta:that's very kind of you Mirabel, do... do you have a deadline? Since me and your father need to talk with you about something...rather important

Mirabel:um. No I suppose I can do this later  but let's talk somewhere else this room right now has...a lot of Sharp things

*Mother and daughter looked at Agustin who was touching a pair of shears*

Julieta;let's take this to our room cariño...cariño puts those down before you hurt yourself

*Julieta said with a sigh, Agustin flinched and placed the sharp objects back to the table with an awkward smile and a cough*

Agustin:yes yes, let's go to our room

*The 3 of them walked to there room passing Dolores entering her parents room. They made it inside and closed the door, once that door got close did the forced smiles returned*

Mirabel:ok. So what's going on? Usually it's me who has to find you two to talk

*Mirabel said in a joking matter, it did not have the desired affected that she wanted since all it did was make there force smiles to disappear for a moment*

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