chapter 20

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Alma:a..alright, Julieta take the day off to cool off I'll serve the food in the stand today.

With alma

*we see her walking with Maria who had a big smile on her face*

Alma;I still don't understand why you wanted to join me

Maria:seeing you work? Please what can be better then that? And not just any work. No, no, no, you're gonna take over for julieta for a day. Oh it's too good to pass up, the other girls are already there with there chairs waiting

*Alma scoffed crossing her arms, she looked at her best friend with a frown*

Alma:waiting for what? It's just giving food to the injured, Julieta's job is the easiest

Maria:.....oh I am SO gonna love you eat those words. Oh look at that we're here~!!

*Maria said in a sing-song voice as she sat walked passed alma and sat down with the other groups of old ladies, some of them even had popcorn*

Alma: honestly what's with them?

*Alma said with a huff as she stood on the food stand, she looked around with a slight frown*

Alma:Maria can you...!

Maria:nope! Julieta doesn't get a chair you don't either! Remember? "Mija don't be lazy stand when you're giving out food!"

*Maria screamed in her best imitation of Alma's voice. Alma blushed as the others laughed at her*

Alma:fine, it's just until sundown I can manage!

*Alma kept her gaze forward at the ever growing line of people and pale a little*

Alma"this is more then half the encanto!"

*Alma thought as she felt something she hasn't felt since she was a little girl. Stage fright. With shaky hands she started handed out the food Julieta prepared, she was about to give another one when she pulled back*

Alma:sir you don't seemed injured, you seem drunk

Mateo:shat up you bitch!!

*Alma eyes widen as the man snatched the food from her very finger and ate it walking sway. The line moved up but Alma's face grew red with anger*


*Alma was about to go after that man but Lucia and Victoria kept her in place*

Victoria:you can't leave. Julieta Is not allowed to leave until the line is gone

Alma:but did you see how he acted?!

Victoria: no different then how he acts when Julieta is here, the poor girl. Now chin up there's more people that need 'healing'

*the retired doctor said to her friend. Alma gave out a hot breath and stayed in her place giving out more food, with her anger growing as a lot of them were just drunks using Julieta's food to cure they're drunkness or hangover*

Alma:how dare they?! This food is for the sick and injured! Not for the drunks!

Lucia:and yet Julieta has to feed them because if they don't, want to guess what they'll do?

*alma grew quiet since she knows what they'll do and have done. Lucia was having none of it. She slammed her hands on the stand and made alma look at her*

Lucia:I said, do you know what they'll do?! I know you're not hard of hearing alma

Alma: ok ok! they'll go to me and complain, happy?!

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