chapter 37

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Last time

*Luisa said giving her own mother a stern look that would make alma proud if she wasn't currently screaming at the townspeople meeting*

Alma's version of that day

*Alma woke up with tears on her face, she sat down on her bed and cleaned the tears of her face, she ended up covering her face with her hands and weeping a little remembering that dream*

Alma's mind

Little Bruno:Mami, Mami look!

*A much younger alma looked at her only son running towards her. His nervous smile always present on his face, he stopped running and looked up to her with his hands behind his back*

Younger alma:brunito, what do you have behind your hands? Please, if it's another one of those rats please don't show me

*Alma said a little pale, out of all the animals in the world, her son had to like Filthy fleas infested rats. Bruno just smiled and presented what he had in his hands and it was a pair of earrings*

Bruno:I made this for you!


*Alma said lightly surprised as she takes the pair of earrings and looks at them they were done impressively well for someone so young*

Alma:Bruno, how did you do this?

Bruno:oh, I asked for help from the your friend Jane Doe, she's a jeweler and agreed to teach me how to make them. I also made a pair for Pepa and Julieta, I'm gonna go give it to them!

*Bruno left running away, alma smiled softly looking at them, she turned around and looked at Bruno. Her heart started pounding, her frown started sweating as a deep sense of fear started to grow inside of her seeing her son get father and father away in a white void, alma raised her hand and tried to yell his name but no words would come out. The beating of her heart started beating louder and louder becoming deafening to her ears, she couldn't feel her legs move as her brunito became older and older, more and more she saw that bright smile of him quickly disappearing, until he turned around and in a instant he was right in front of alma. Looking at her with a most haunting expression for a mother to see her child in such a state*

*those eyes, those eyes that once held wonder and happiness, now all she could see was an unending sadness*

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*those eyes, those eyes that once held wonder and happiness, now all she could see was an unending sadness*

Bruno:it's for the good of the encanto right Mami?

*Bruno grabbed her hand and slowly lifted up, alma looked down and those earrings turned into a knife, Alma's brain was screaming but her body wouldn't respond to her. Her eyes looked up at Bruno and he was smiling as blood started coming down his mouth, as he made alma stab him.*

Back to the real world

*Alma managed to compose herself and sit down on her make-up vanity table, she starts doing her make up for the day, and finished off putting on those same earrings as the ones on her dream. She took a deep breath looking at herself in the mirror, she looked down and frowned as a rat was looking up at her*

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