chapter 46

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Last time 
Mirabel:cousins, anyhow. Here's the payment we agreed on. Thanks a lot. It was terrifically fun. 
Dolores: hey Mira?
*Mirabel hummed in response as she flipped to another page of her magazine. We see them trying out swimwear; more specifically, Dolores was trying out swimwear. Mirabel's found her pretty quick, but Dolores couldn't find one her size and that she liked.*
Dolores: There's something I've been meaning to ask, but first, what do you think of this one?
*Dolores said she was going out of the changing room. Mirabel looked at her and nodded.
Mirabel: yes! Yes! That's the one! Please, God, let that be the one. 
Dolores: Oh, I don't. I think I liked the last one more. 
Dolores muttered softly, looking at herself in the mirror. Mirabel gave a silent scream, running her finger through her hair. Don't get her wrong; at first, it was fun to make Dolores into a little model, and Mirabel won't lie and say she didn't find Dolores attractive in the swim options she chose.  But, and that's a very big but, what was supposed to be just a quick swimsuit to go to the beach has now turned into a 3-hour experience. Mirabel gave a big, forceful smile and looked at her cousin, who couldn't make up her mind. *
Mirabel: I'm telling you, this is the one. You look absolutely beautiful in this one, please believe me.
Dolores: Oh, let me try out the other one real quick.
*Dolores said Turning around, Mirabel paled and got up from her seat, her face showing a pleading and very desperate look. While in the background, the workers found Mirabel's pain amusing.
*Mirabel said but was ignored as Dolores closed the curtains. Mirabel's hands were trembling. In a choking position, ready to end Dolores existence, she took a hot sigh and walked back to her seat. With a defeated sigh, she grabbed the magazine she'd already read three times and started flipping and throwing it again.
Mirabel: No wonder you never got Mariano when you're so indecisive.
Mirabel muttered in a defeated tone as she read for the third time, "How to Keep Your Man in 7 Steps."
Mirabel:so! What was it that you wanted to ask me?
Dolores:oh! Yes, uh, I can't help but notice that you've been calling me your cousin to everyone we meet and...
*Mirabel's eyes widen, and fear quickly grows in her ears. She stood up straight and walked to the changing room.
Mirabel:what's that?! Oh, you're stuck! Let me help you with that!
Dolores; wha. Hey mi.!!
*Dolores took a gasp when Mirabel walked inside the changing room and took control unintentionally, but still, Mirabel pushed Dolores to the wall with one hand on Dolores's mouth to stop her from talking. Dolores had a blush since she was completely nude, and Mirabel had one leg in between hers.
Mirabel: Ok, I'm going to let go. And you are not going to scream, ok? You need to trust me.
Dolores: Mhm
Mirabel slowly let go of Dolores mouth and looked behind her, making sure the workers weren't coming to check on them. Dolores took a few breaths, her hand on her chest, feeling her beating heart beat fast over what happened.
Mirabel: Okay, I don't have time to explain it. Just believe me when I say that people don't take kindly to couples of the same gender, like at all, like getting hanged, burned, or killed if they find out. 
Dolores:what? What are you talking about?
*Dolores asked, not wanting to believe her, but the fear Mirabel was showing was very concerning.*
Mirabel: I'll explain it all in detail later, but for now, just trust me when I say that when we're in public, we are just cousins, ok?
Dolores: Okay, I'll trust you. But I'll need an explanation when we're alone.
*Mirabel nodded; both of them just stood there awkwardly. Dolores was waiting for Mirabel to leave, and Mirabel... well, she was enjoying the view, so to speak.
Mirabel: Seriously, how is that fair? 
Dolores: How is it fair?
*Dolores asked, but Mirabel didn't answer; she just touched her own chest with envy, and Dolores instantly understood it; she couldn't help but chuckle, making Mirabel's hate all the bigger as she walked out with a huff.*
Mirabel: Just hurry up and buy something; I want to make it to the beach before sundown, you jerk!
Dolores: Sure, and don't worry, Mirabel. And trust me, I would kill for what you have; you have no idea how much my back kills me. 
*Dolores said behind the curtains, but Mirabel knew she had a smug smile on her face. Mirabel just grumbled and went back to her seat, flipping through pages aggressively.*
After another 3.damned.hours
Lucy: Okay, so we've got a child's large one-piece swimsuit; that'll be xxxx. 
Mirabel grumbled something about not leaving a tip,but the clerk ignored her as she grabbed Mirabel's money. After that, she went with Dolores.
Lucy: And an adult bikini that'll be xxxx
Dolores; I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What? There must be some kind of mistake; that's three times the amount of Mirabel's outfit, and mine is basically just a couple of rags.
*Dolores said in shock; Lucy just shrugged and didn't look even the least bit ashamed or the price.*
Lucy: That's because yours is from our limited edition collection.
Dolores: Is it made with gold or something? Because it looks exactly like Mirabel's, except the middle part was cut off. 
Dolores complained, and just as she was about to look for another one, Mirabel paid for Dolores quickly; she was not going back to the trenches; she couldn't go back.
Mirabel: it's fine! This is fine! I'm not going to wait another 3 forsaken hours for you to find something cheaper. Let's go. I'm starving. 
Dolores: But Mirabel, it has nothing to do with the cost; it's the principal of the thing!
Mirabel ignored her, grabbed the bag with their clothes, and walked out.
Mirabel: I'm not listening to your crazy! Let's go, or I'm having lunch without you.
Lucy: Actually, you would be having dinner without her.
*Mirabel's eyes widen as she looks at the sun. Sure enough, the day was almost gone, the sun was saying goodbye, and the moon was making its presence known just at the horizon. She glared at Dolores, who had the dignity to look embarrassed. She took a sigh and kept walking, with Dolores not far behind her.
Mirabel:ok! So let's get some food, then go somewhere private.
Dolores: sounds like a plan. 
Scene change 
Dolores: So, I hope now you can give me an explanation.
*Dolores asked, looking at Mirabel. After grabbing their dinner to go, Mirabel took Dolores to a cave at a secluded part of the beach. Mirabel wanted to go to the beach, so she went there. So there they were, a picnic blanket under them, finished food in front of them, just enjoying the view of the sky

 So there they were, a picnic blanket under them, finished food in front of them, just enjoying the view of the sky

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until Dolores needed to know. Mirabel sighed and nodded.
Mirabel: encanto.... It really is unique in a lot of ways, with Abuela being an understanding woman, and the leader did that for the town. 
*Dolores snorted at the word understanding, but she had to admit if she looked at it as an outsider, she could see it.*
Mirabel: The rest of the world isn't like that; believe me, I know. It's beautiful out there; don't get me wrong. It's very beautiful, but it also has its ugly side. I like seeing people hanged just for liking someone of the same gender.
Dolores: but why?
*Dolores asked, shocked and disgusted; Mirabel just shrugged, not having an answer for Dolores; her eyes told Dolores she was somewhere else, and Mirabel was. She's no stranger to death; being a hunter, she's killed many animals, but seeing a woman hanged, seeing her gasp for air, hearing the chilling sound of her neck snapping—it's one of Mirabel's experiences she'll never be able to forget. Mirabel was taken out of her memory when she felt Dolores rub her back. Miracle took a breath and continued.
Mirabel: People are just filled with hate. There are good people out there; I know I've met them, but there are just as many bigoted and hateful people out there. That's why you have to be careful and not leave my side when we're out here.
Dolores: Heh, I'm the oldest; shouldn't I say that?
*Dolores said with a small grin. Mirabel rolled her eyes playfully, but there was a small smile on her face.*
Mirabel: Well, seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to use a handgun, if things get dangerous, I'll say I'm the one who's protecting here.
Dolores: You have a handgun with you, don't you?
Mirabel raised her shirt a little and took out a small revolver from her backside. She made sure the safety was on before giving it to Dolores.
Mirabel:like it? I got it when James Jenkins got distracted. His father made sure I knew how to defend myself if I was alone.
Dolores: ...that's the real story of why you hunt with them, isn't it?
Mirabel grew a crooked grin and scooted closer to Dolores; Dolores kept her hand on Mirabel's waist.
Mirabel: Yeah, the family would've freaked out if they knew the real reason I know how to hunt. I hope I placed my trust in the right person.
Dolores:trust me
*Dolores got closer and surprised Mirabel by kissing her cheek. It was quick, almost a peck, but the action still brought a blush to Mirabel's face.*
Dolores: I can keep it a secret. God, the view is so beautiful. I wish we could stay over here.
Mirabel: Well, we have our sleeping bag back there with the backpack. That way, we can finally have fun at the beach.
Mirabel said with a chuckle, but both knew that was not what Dolores meant. Being out of encanto, being away from her curse—not a gift, but a curse. It made Dolores just feel so happy; part of her wanted that feeling to be permanent.
be continued, or 13 chapters ahead on Patreon
Gracias especiales, ah:
Ben knight
Jacob Mooe
nT_wolf 0
Ayham Alqaissi
José Ruiz de Austri 
Thai Nguyen
Trevor Ferguson
Ty Kennedy 
Jameil fluker 
William Washington 
True V. Munoz-Bennett
Shawn sachs
Jamel Collins 
Alysha brown 
Ashley Coleman
Abbie Jackson
Jordan Mace 
Taivon cook
Kyla Evans 
Max bell
Darren Belcher 
Tyler Gist 
Charles Sims 
Brandiejo key 
Melissa Lopez 
Benjamin Cade Higgins 
Claude Smith
Isabella Allen
Ruth R
Bryton Maldonado 
Harrison J. Glass
Ana Ceja 
Levi letcher 
Ethan Staley 
Reece Maddox 
Lakaylynn Hillman 
Mihaela Graphics/Neagu 
Phoenix rampant 
Malcolm Angell 
Chris Quiterio
Link llama
Charles Sims 
Jesus Gutierrez 
Thanks again for the donations.

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