chapter 53

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End of day

*We see Mirabel and Dolores walking together, Mirabel was drinking some water, Dolores was looking around, with her earmuffs around her neck, and Antonio? He was behind them, sulking since Dolores won't just leave them alone*

Antonio"i hate this, I hate this Day, I hate this family, I hate Dolores!!"

*Antonio thought his arms crossed even tighter, but Dolores didn't notice it, and Mirabel was ignoring it, since she's not gonna force Antonio to talk to her*

Alma:ah, Dolores, Mirabel, Antonio welcome. come, come

*The 3 of them looked in front of them, and saw alma, Osvaldo, Camilo and Isabela there waiting to them, once they walked to the others, did Mirabel kneel down and look at Antonio*

Mirabel;ok, my little champion, can you ask them why there always escaping every day, for me?

Antonio:fine, for you

*Antonio walked to the donkeys, they made noises, and Antonio snorted, the older humans looked confused, till Antonio comes back*

Antonio:they do it, because they like messing with people.


*Isabela screamed, and later glared the most venomous glare at the donkeys, one of them lifted his tail at her, and looked back at her, Isabela swears that, the donkeys were laughing at her. Alma ignored Isabela and looked down at Antonio*

Alma:that's it?

Antonio:yup, they get bored, running away is the only thing they get to do, before they have to work.

*Antonio said with a shrug, not knowing what else to tell them, alma sighed, thinking of what to do, to fix this, that's when she noticed Mirabel looking at the lock, so she walked up to her*

Alma:see something Mirabel?

Mirabel:yup, saliva, and teeth marks, the donkeys clearly know how to open this particular lock. Osvaldo! Here's what I suggest, you go to the carpenters, I suggest Tony he'll do it in exchange for some donkey cheese, he loves donkey cheese, anyway you exchange the cheese for his work, and make him, make you a new lock, a taller one so the donkeys can't get do it, maybe put it at the other side of the fence, as for the donkeys boredom, maybe take them out to the woods once a day so they can stretch there legs and have fun, without becoming a problem for the community, oh I was also thinking.....

*And Mirabel continued, with Osvaldo, struggling to write it all down in his notepad, alma looked at Mirabel impressed, feeling very proud of her niece leadership skills, the skills that one would need to be a member of the people who lead the village*


*We see Mirabel in Antonio's room, the boy was tired, from sulking all day, and now? Mirabel was putting him to bed*

Mirabel:there we go, toñito. I'm very proud of you, over what you did

Antonio:thanks, can you....can you sing for me? Please? I always sleep better after you sing

*Antonio said softly, Mirabel smiled warmly at him, before she started, she sang to him, the same song Julieta would sing to her, and alma would sing to her triplets*

Mirabel:It always feels so quiet in the dark It always feels so stark,

*Mirabel started softly, as Antonio got comfortable, in the close background, parce was stretching before turning into a ball to sleep*

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