chapter 27

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Early morning

*Mirabel yawned as she stretched until she felt her joints pop, she got up and scratched under her nightgown looking at the alarm clock*

Mirabel:4 a.m. alright let's get going

*Mirabel mumbled to herself as she got off bed almost falling flat on her face with how tired she was, she turned around to make sure she didn't wake up Dolores, she had a crooked smile on her face seeing Dolores sleeping peacefully with her earmuffs in her ears, she had a smile while she was sleeping*

Mirabel"I can only imagine how long it's been since she's got a peaceful night's rest like this"

*Mirabel thought to herself, she walked to the other side of the bed and gave Dolores a small kiss on the cheek before going to the showers*

Mirabel"wonder what's she's dreaming about"

In Dolores dream

*Dolores was resting on Mariano's lap enjoying the moment and the sweet sweet sound of his voice as Mariano had a ukulele singing her a ballad*

Mariano:She takes away my breath
She's the angel of death, for me
Oh, lores! She's my queen It's like a dream...

*Birds started to chirp to the music and flowers started dancing around them it was absolutely perfect for Dolores as she snuggled deeper in to Mariano's heat*

Real world

*Dolores snuggled deeper in to her pillow drooling a little with a goofy smile on her face. She was absolutely loving being able to finally go in to a deep sleep without her gifts waking her up*

Scene change

*After taking a bath mirabel was drying herself with a towel when she looked in the mirror. She rubbed her cheek a little, either she was crazy or the scar she had across her nose from when Camilo threw a baseball ball at her got smaller if only a little*

Mirabel;it is softer, I guess Dolores's concoctions actually worked. I'll tell her when I get back

and getting dress Mirabel walked inside Luisa's room and shook her awake*

Luisa:MH....mira? What are you doing here it's...oh my got it's 4:45 in the morning Mira what the hell....

*Luisa muttered as she slowly sat up not being a morning person in the slightest. Mirabel just gave her a slightly shy smile*

Mirabel: sorry Lulu, but I need a favor

Luisa;yeah, well what is it?

*Luisa said yawning and stretching. Luisa's joints popping were loud enough they could be heard at the other side of the room*

Mirabel:you know how I wake everyone up at 6 in the morning? I need you to do it for me today

Luisa:ok? But why can't you do it? Is everything ok? You need me to do anything else? Is it money?

*Luisa quickly got up her tiredness disappearing as she started pacing around the room*

Luisa:Do you owe someone money?


Luisa: Hold on let get my savings and I'll give it to you


Luisa:you know what? forget waking everyone up I'll go with you to make sure your safe and....


*Mirabel screamed holdings her arm needing both of her hands to hold Luisa wrist. Luisa stopped panicking and looked at Mirabel*

Mirabel: everything is fine ok? I don't need money, and I don't need security. I'm just doing a favor for the Jenkin's family remember? I talked about it yesterday at dinner? Now please breath, follow what I do breath in and out, in and out

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