chapter 24

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With Dolores

*Dolores took a big breath after telling everyone where they'll be having dinner it was time to face the music. She walked for a long while until she was almost at the edge of town. She saw Mirabel there under a tree picking apart flower petals. She walked to her with a small smile*

Dolores:hey, mind if I sit here?

Mirabel:....ok, and here...

*Mirabel said softly but with Dolores hearing she could tell her voice was hoarse. Dolores grabbed the earmuffs from Mirabel and puts them on instantly feeling better as all the noises were gone. She sat down next to Mirabel*

Dolores:Mirabel I'm... I'm so sorry I choose someone over you I shouldn't have done that

Mirabel;are you sorry you did it? Or sorry you got caught?

*Mirabel said softly there was a hint of anger in her tone. Dolores sighed*

Dolores:that place... must mean a lot to you huh?


Dolores:want to tell me about it? Please?

*Mirabel didn't talk for a while until she took a breath and looked up at the setting sun*

Mirabel:she... she was the first one.... years ago, when how the family treated me was at it's peak. And I felt the most alone then at any other point in my life that's when Jeannette came in to my life....


*We see little mirabel sitting under a tree alone, everyone was busy with there chores and no one had time to spend with her, and she just got scolded by alma for "distracting" her own mother. Mirabel hugged her legs as she started to sniffle feeling completely alone, she was taken out of her sadness when she heard someone singing. She got up and followed the voice, it wasn't long until she saw An older woman singing to herself*

Jeannette:Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos
Ni siquiera reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo
Hay tristeza en sus ojos, hablando y callando, y bailando conmigo
Una pena lejana que llega a mi alma y se hace cariño...

*Mirabel hid against the wall as the woman continued to sing Mirabel's favorite song, the same song her mother used to sing to her, the same song she hasn't heard since before that stupid ceremony.

Jeanette:El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mi gran amor

*Mirabel slipped from her hiding spot with a 'uff' Jeannette stopped singing and looked at the smaller female. She gave her a little smile*

Jeanette:hey there, what are you doing all the way over here?

Mirabel:I...I heard you singing, I'm sorry I didn't mean to distract you...

Jeanette;oh it's fine, actually how about you sing with me? Singing always better as a duet. Do you know the song?

*Mirabel nodded and walked up to her shyly, Jeanette just kept smiling at her waiting patiently for her"

Mirabel:y..yeah, mi...mi mami used to sing me that song, she hasn't done it in a very long time though...

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