chapter 58

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*it's been 3 weeks since the last chapter, and Dolores was feeling restless, in those three weeks the only thing mirabel has done apart from helping the community here and there. Was her seamstress Job, and Dolores was getting tired of it, all she did was sit down, read and eat. Like she was doing right now, while Mirabel made more shirts*

Mirabel:I can feel your eyes on the back of my head, you know that right?

Dolores:well I'm sorry, but all we've done is just sit here and make clothes

*Dolores said with a sigh, putting her book down. Mirabel rolled her eyes and kept working, partly regretting opening her mouth*

Mirabel:no, all you've done is sit down, I've been making clothes. And we could, go out and explore. Have an adventure, IF you admit that you liked it as much as I do

Dolores:I will admit to nothing!

*Dolores said in a huff, crossing her arms. Mirabel just hummed and went back to work, dolores looked at her angrily since she was talking under her breath, when Mirabel knew, Dolores could hear her*

Mirabel:fine, be in denial you backstabbing bitch

Dolores:oh God, you're still on that?

*Dolores said with a frustrated sigh, but Mirabel didn't respond, she kept quiet, letting Dolores stew in her own anger. They remained in awkward silence for another 2 whole hours, that is until something rare happened, Dolores started to sing, to fill the awkward silence. Dolores was singing a song she heard outside, a song that she couldn't help but resonate with*

Dolores:I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you'd think And if I'm being honest....

*Dolores sang softly, flipping through another page, but she wasn't even reading it anymore, her mind was busy thinking of her unrequited love*

Dolores:It might've been a nightmare
To anyone who might care Thought I could fly  So I stepped off the Golden, mm
Nobody cried

Inside Dolores brain

*Dolores was dressed beautifully in a red dress, she was hugging the arm of Mariano, sighing happily*

Dolores:Nobody even noticed I saw them standing right there Kinda thought they might care might care, might care

*Dolores looked up at Mariano, and Mariano looked down, they smiled at each other and started getting closer so they could kiss*

Dolores:I had a dream I got everything I wanted But when I wake up, I see You with me And you say, "As long as I'm here
No one can hurt you

*Dolores felt nothing, she stumbled and fell, as Mariano all but disappeared, the world disappeared, Dolores was falling, and falling, into a pure black ocean, that looked like tar*

Dolores:Don't wanna lie here But you can learn to If I could change The way that you see yourself You wouldn't wonder why you hear They don't deserve you

*Dolores fell into the water, growing cold and dark, darker then she's ever seen, she tried to swim up, but the tar water grabbed a hold of her and was pulling her deeper, into its embrace*

Dolores:I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter

*Dolores doesn't know how long she was falling but she made it to the other side, of that depression filled ocean, and looked around, to her horror, she was back when Mariano proposed to Isabela*

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