chapter 51

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*another day passed, another day closer to the wedding of Mirabel and Dolores. We see the family having there breakfast, when alma stood up, making everyone look at her, waiting for whatever announcement she had, so they can go back to eating*

Alma:I have an announcement to make, over this past couple of weeks, me and the council of the encanto have been having talks....

Mini flashback

*Conan moved out the way of a flower pot being thrown to his head, he looked back pissed off at alma, who had 3 people holding her back*

Alma:say that again you bastard! I promise, you'll see your wife again if you fucking say that again!!

Conan:bring it you dementia filled bitch!!

Back to the present

Alma:and after much discussion, and a quick trip to Julieta's booth, when Conan.... accidently fell down a flight of stairs. Some changes were decided

*This got the attention of mostly everyone in the table, except for Mirabel and Dolores*

Alma:Julieta, you will no longer have to make as much food, nor will you have to be the one who stands in the booth all day

Julieta:what? Mama what are you talking about?

*Julieta said shocked, but alma just smiled, after so long she can finally say, she knows she's doing the right thing*

Alma:the new rules of the encanto, you'll only have to make the food, someone else will be the one giving it to the injured of the encanto,

Dolores: basically, Julieta will be on a night shift and will be able to sleep in the day

*Dolores said, seeing the face of confusion from some of the others sitting in the table, they got a resounding 'ahh'. Julieta looked surprised, but a good surprised, as she was growing a smile more and more. Alma has to admit it's bittersweet seeing Julieta smile like that, since it's been so long since she's seen that type of smile on her face*

Alma:the second change has more to do with the rules of the house, from now on everybody except Antonio since he's still too young, but everyone else will help Julieta with the cooking..... Except Pepa

Pepa:oh come on! My cooking is not that bad! Tell them Felix!

*Pepa said pushing Felix's shoulder, everyone looked at the shortest man in Casita, Felix's palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, He’s nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and ready. He looked at Pepa and gave her a smile*

Felix:you heard my wife, she said her cooking is good

Dolores:yes, but to YOU think is good Felix

*Dolores said with a evil smug smirk on her face, Felix didn't like the disrespect she was giving him, by using his first name. But he'll deal with that later, he has bigger problems, as Pepa was looking at him, waiting for him to say something*

Felix:her food is... unique, like nothing I've ever tasted before

Pepa:aww baby~

*Pepa said lovingly, somehow buying that, everyone was looking at Felix like "did she really bought that?" Felix just quietly shrugged, since he's not gonna look a gift horse on the mouth. That is until Dolores's coughed*

Dolores;that's not what was asked, is Pepa's food good. Yes or no

Felix:I've already answered, and that's enough out of you

*Felix said with a warning smile, that Dolores ignored, she even played with her nails, she was so unimpressed, Mirabel sighed and placed a hand on Dolores thigh. Dolores looked at her and both had a silent conversation, but Mirabel ended up winning, Dolores looked down not saying another word, but the granade was already thrown*

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