chapter 33

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Alma:Camilo language, don't be so vulgar with how you say it. But I agree. Anyhow let's all go to work, the encanto needs us. Luisa with me, oh I'm gonna enjoy today

*Alma said with a cackle that brought fear to the residents of casita, even Casita trembled a little in fear. Luisa almost didn't
Want to go with her, but with a nervous gulp, she followed*


Alma and luisa's version of that day

*Luisa was a little scared, alma hasn't stopped giggling since they left the encanto, and it was starting to freak her out* abuela, what uh, what do you need me to do?

Alma:oh, it'll be clear soon enough. You'll be able to use your gift how it was meant to be used

*Luisa looked at her grandmother with a raised eyebrow, alma stopped giggling and just sighed, and kept her gaze forward*

Alma: when you first got your gift I correctly thought, that Pedro gave you that gift so that you can use your strength to protect our family. But we live in encanto this place is completely safe, so there would be no need for that kind of protection

*Luisa kept quiet on the fact that SHE did use her strength to protect her family, she used it to protect Mirabel from Camilo whenever she could*


*Luisa was walking  around the school, it was one of those few rare days where she was able to have an actual education, without anyone calling for her to help with God knows what. Anyway she was walking when she heard a yell she knows all too well*

Luisa: Mira!

*Luisa said as her heart started bumping as fast as it could as fear shot threw her veins, she left running to the source of the sound, and what she saw made her heart drop to her stomach, Mirabel was on the floor holding a broken bloody nose, a baseball next to her and Antonio and his group of friends just standing there. Luisa saw red and stomped over to them. The group turned around at the noise and paled at who was coming towards them*

William:shit it's Luisa let's go!

Luisa:Camilo if You run I'll find you back in Casita I swear to God!!

*Luisa roared as his friends left, while Camilo had no choice but to stay. Camilo looked up at the furious older girl and gulped a little*

Camilo:l..Luisa come on it was just and accident! It was Mirabel's fault for walking in on the ball and ..

*That was the last thing Camilo got to say before Luisa punched him so hard he flew do a wall*

Camilo:fuck! I think you broke a rib!

Luisa:good! And Dolores if you tell anyone about this, your next!!

*Luisa screamed at the sky to make sure Dolores kept her mouth shut, she grabbed Mirabel ala king Kong and left with her to get her some of there mother's food*

Back to the present

Alma:so seeing as I thought the family didn't need that kind of protection, I had to find other ways your gift could help the community.

Luisa:yes, like helping the church so the lights hit just right, or helping when the donkeys get out, or lifting a bridge instead of making the carpenters just build more then one

*Alma was an old woman, and with age came experience, like the experience to maintain a neutral face, when internally her guilt was killing her. She took a breath and kept walking as the stand was in view*

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