chapter 40

485 24 15

Early Morning

Dolores:why do we have to do this so god damned early?

*Dolores whined softly, she and Mirabel were fishing, mirabel already caught 3 fishes and Dolores zero, since she kept dozing off*

Mirabel:because the best time to get fish is on early morning or late evening, and I need to restack our food supplies, after this we still need to forage for berries and roots before heading on our way. There's this lovely strawberry field not to far from her and

*Mirabel started to ramble on, but to Dolores it might as well be "Wah wah woh wah wah" as she started dozing off, a pull form her string woke her up and she pulled the fish out. Dolores smiled the rush of finally getting a fish waking her up, she looked at Mirabel who was smiling at her proudly, Mirabel grabbed the fish and place it with the other who's last remaining minutes will be living in a bucket full of water*

Dolores: shouldn't we kill them?

Mirabel:we will, but not yet. First we catch more, 2 of them will be our breakfast with some bread and dried apricot, and tea. The other fishes while you sleep I'll be Canning the rest of the fishes, so that we don't have to fish on our journey the rest of the way to San Jose

*Mirabel started talking about the canning process and again all Dolores could hear was the "Wah wah woh wah wah" as she started dozing of. Mirabel stopped talking when she felt a head on her shoulders, she looked and Dolores had fallen asleep, Mirabel grew a small smile and kissed her forehead, she took Dolores fishing rod and started fishing by herself with both rods*

Scene change

Inside Dolores dream

*We see her in a gown, she was dancing with Mariano as music played around them*

???:Si Dios me quita la vida Antes que a ti
Le voy a pedir que concentre Mi alma en la tuya

(If God takes my life before he takes yours
I'm going to ask Him to focus My soul on yours)

*Dolores couldn't help but sigh, this was perfect. Just perfect*

???:Para evitar Que pueda entrar
Otro querer a saborear Lo que es tan mío

(To prevent it from entering
Another desire to savor What is so mine)

*that is until another light came into the room, she glanced and saw another woman*

???:Si Dios me quita la vida Antes que a ti
Le voy a pedir ser el ángel Que cuide tus pasos

(If God takes my life before he takes yours
I'm going to ask him to be the angel that watches over your steps.)

* she was wearing a mask that covered her eyes, she was wearing a stunning red dress and was walking towards her*

Mask woman:Pues si otros brazos te dan
Aquel calor que te dí Sería tan grande mi celo Que en el mismo cielo me vuelvo a morir

(Well, if other arms give you
That heat that I gave you My zeal would be so great That in the same sky I will die again)

*The mask woman who turned out was the one singing the lovely music, made it to Dolores and pushed Mariano out of the way*

Mask woman: Eso solo es un pensamiento
Pues en tu momento de locura me confiesas
Que cuando me besas Eres tan mía como la playa del mar

(That's just a thought Well, in your moment of madness you confess to me That when you kiss me you are as mine as the beach of the sea)

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