chapter 15

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After dinner

*Mirabel was walking back Dolores room when she felt Antonio grab to her dress. Mirabel looked down and smiled to him*

Mirabel:hey toñito what's wrong?

Antonio:Mira can you read to me tonight please

*Antonio said using his secret weapon, his puppy eyes. Mirabel instantly melted. Before she could say yes Pepa appeared having overhead what Antonio just said*

Pepa:oh Toñito, you want a goodnight story? Me and felix can read to you

Felix:of course mijo what story would you like?

Antonio;w..well I kinda wanted Mami to read to me

*A rainbow appeared on top of pepa's head, felix had a big grin on his face as well both thinking Antonio was talking about Pepa, Antonio looked up at her real Mami who just shrugged taking a step back. Antonio frowned slightly he know he can't call Mirabel mami in front of the family since it will just cause her trouble. So he had to force a smile*

Mirabel:well if that's what you want then ok, I'll read to you next time Toñito

*Mirabel kneeled down and gave him her pinky, Antonio smiled a little, his smile becoming more genuine as he gave her his making a pinky promise*

Mirabel:that's a promise that can't be broken

*Mirabel got up and started walking to her room while Felix grabbed Antonio and lifted him*

Félix: come on Toñito let's read you that story

*Felix and Pepa walked up to there son's room neither saw Antonio looking at Mirabel sadly, that sadness quickly became anger as Mirabel was having small talk with Dolores*

Antonio"I just wanted to spend time with my Mami"

*Antonio thought in a silent huff as they walked inside Antonio's jungle of a room and closed the door*

With Mirabel

Mirabel:so, think abuela will make you be with me again tomorrow?

*Mirabel asked Dolores as they walked in to Dolores room, Well there room now. Dolores grabbed her own hands and hummed as she looked at Mirabel*

Dolores:probably, all I do is just listen in for gossip so abuela can use it against people, I can do that while I'm with you. So she'll probably just have me do that. I'm gonna take a shower before bed

Mirabel:ok, I'll take one after you

*Dolores and Mirabel went there separate ways, Mirabel saw Julieta and Agustín walk inside Isabela room. A small part of Mirabel felt a bit of joy that señorita perfecta was gonna get it tonight, she's slightly sad that she won't be able to see it*

Mirabel:I wonder if Dolores can tell me what they talked about

*Mirabel thought out loud with a hum at the end while in the shower Dolores kept and ear out to listen to Isabela and her parents*

In isabela's room

Julieta:cariño we need to talk, can you please come down from there

Isabela:of course Mami

*Isabela came down with her vines, flower petals falling down along her Julieta couldn't help but to feel a little annoyed as flower petals fall form to her head*

Julieta"does she always come down like this?"

Isabela:what can I do for the two of you?

Agustin:how about telling us about why you've been skipping school so much to the point that you got held back multiple times?

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