chapter 8

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With Dolores and Mirabel

*After spending the rest of the day on the ice cream shop eating there sorrows away, more Dolores then Mirabel but still. They had no choice since nighttime was consuming the encanto they had to return to that house*

Dolores:guess there's no point delaying it huh?

*Dolores said looking at Casita, it was only a few minutes before dinner was to be served. Mirabel sighed with a small smile as she squeezed Dolores hand*

Mirabel:yup, just rip it like a band-aid we just gotta do this

*Neither of them moved and they were just far enough so Casita couldn't move them*

Mirabel:well we should get going before we're late,

Dolores:yes, don't want to be late, I'm really not in the mood to deal with alma, I swear if she says anything I'll explode my eardrums with the amount of screaming I'll do

*Mirabel looked at Dolores and gave her a small push, Dolores glared at Mirabel*

Mirabel:well you are the older one.

Dolores:your right, and as the older one I command you to go first I outrank you

Mirabel:yes which means your suppose to look after me

*The girls grabbed each other's and started trying to push the other in to going first, sadly for Dolores Mirabel was stronger, Dolores was basically being dragged to the door*

Dolores:how are you so strong?

*Dolores said shocked as her face turns red with how much she was struggling to stop Mirabel from moving forward*



Mirabel:where do you want it?

*Julieta was walking to her booth for another day of healing people who got scratches and boo-boos, completely missing Mirabel walking inside the bakery*

*Mirabel said holding 4 industrial size sacks of flour each weighing 100 pounds 2 on her shoulders and 2 under her arms*

Miguel:over there next to the machine, I can't thank you enough for this Mirabel

Mirabel:oh it's the least I can do, your breads are better then mamis, but don't tell her I said that she'll get jealous

*Miguel gave a booming laugh as Mirabel placed the sacks down and went to grab the other 8*

Scene changed

*Luisa walked passed taking the donkeys back home completly missing Mirabel helping raise an old piano in to a house*

Carlos:really kid you don't have too, in sure Luisa....

Mirabel:is busy with the donkeys you just saw her, and look at the sky it's gonna rain soon, do you really want your grandmother's piano to get wet? Also lift with your knees heard her boys with the knees!

*The men and Mirabel lifted with there knees and walked in to Carlos's family new house*

Antonio;do you play? Papa felix plays a lot of the p...p...pi-a-no

*Antonio said struggling with the new word, Carlos gave a small smirk as he sat on the chair his hands on the keyboards*

Carlos:why of course I do, I bet I play better then you papa felix just listen and enjoy

Scene change

*Camilo and his friends ran to the watering hole to have some fun completely missing Mirabel helping an old lady*

Melisa:oh thank you Mirabel your such a gem

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