chapter 12

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20 minutes later

With Dolores

*Dolores was finishing her Danish while she could hear Mirabel laughing at the back. Once she finished she gulped down her coffee in one big gulp before walking to the back*

Dolores:Mirabel are you here?

*Dolores said knowing she was but just being courteous, Mirabel looked at Dolores with a crooked smile, while Dolores eyes widen seeing Mirabel holding 100 pounds of flour on her shoulder*

Miguel:ah, Dolores how was the food?

Dolores:oh, uh it was very good very tasty

Mirabel:see told you Miguel's baked goods are the best in encanto! Hell the best in the country!

*Mirabel screamed in a soft tone that Dolores appreciated. Miguel gave a chuckle rubbing the back of his head*

Miguel: come now Julieta would get so jealous if she heard that

*Miguel said trying to equal his tone to Mirabel's for Dolores*

Mirabel:I love Mami but it's true! Oh! You need to try some of his creme filled donuts there to die for! Uff!

*Mirabel grunted placing the large sack of flour on the table for Miguel to use. Dolores was still surprised that Mirabel was able to even walk with that much weight on her*

Dolores"so that's why she was so strong"

Miguel:take a couple and get out it's too beautiful of a day for you to be locked in her with my old self

Mirabel:oh I couldn't, your kids are off playing who's gonna help you?

*Mirabel said dismissively as she walked to grab the eggs. Miguel looked at Dolores who shrugged just as lost as he was*

Miguel:come now Mirabel, I've worked by myself for a long time, I can handle a day without you. Even if your sunshine of a energy will be missed

*Miguel placed his hands firmly on mirabel's shoulder and started pushing her towards Dolores*

Mirabel:are you sure? I mean I'm sure Dolores can pick up one of those bags or something

*Dolores walked ahead, with Mirabel being dragged without her noticing that she was being dragged more worried about the conversation*

Miguel:positive, you're a joy to work with but you also work for free, I can't in good conscience let you not enjoy your day with your cousin here

*Miguel gave a box of donuts to Dolores, Mirabel just nodded looking around with widen eyes*

Mirabel:when did we get to the outside of the bakery

*Dolores snorted giving a nod of appreciation to Miguel and taking Mirabel outside*

Dolores:don't worry about if come on. Let's enjoy this donuts and walk around for a bit

*Mirabel shrugged nodding, she grabbed one of the powdered filled donuts and ate own with Dolores eating another one almost moaning with how good they taste*

Dolores:mh...your right this are better then Aunty's donuts

Mirabel:told you, Miguel just adds more love to his food, eat more your far too skinny

Dolores:I'm not that...

*Dolores jumped a bit when she felt Mirabel's finger on her ribs. Mirabel grinned a little*

Mirabel:forgot how ticklish you are. Save that for later~. And if I can feel your ribcage that means your way to skinny, now eat

*Mirabel said in her usual happy tone, but Dolores could tell there was some worry behind her tone. With a sigh she just nodded and kept eating*

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