chapter 54

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Dolores:i hate this, I hate all of this

Mirabel: you've said that before honey

*Mirabel said used to her complaining, we see them inside a cave, Mirabel had a lantern in her hand as they walked deeper in to the cave. Dolores was taking out of her worry, when she looked at Mirabel with a raised eyebrow*

Dolores:honey? Where did that come from?

Mirabel:I don't know, I mean, by the end of the year we'll be married, I just...well I just thought we could take baby steps to be more comfortable do that ending

*Mirabel said with a shrug, Dolores hummed in agreement, she walked a bit faster to be next to Mirabel, instead of behind her, and held her free hand*

Dolores:ok...sugar, that was awful

Mirabel:you won't hear me disagreeing

*Mirabel said with a small smirk, Dolores scoffed and pushed her playfully*

Dolores:hey, you already used honey, that's the easiest one there is

Mirabel:whatever you say, my little fanihi

*Mirabel said with a small smirk, throwing out another nickname as smooth as butter, Dolores grew annoyed, with a smile on her face, crossing her arms*

Dolores:ok, nos your making up things, what the hell is a fanihi?

Mirabel: a species of fruit bat, very big, with black fur, and the most adorable eyes of any creatures

*Mirabel said with a sigh, since she wanted one as a pet, since she first saw them in picture books, but with time came Wisdom, the wisdom to know that keeping a bat as a pet would only harm the animal. Dolores didn't see it that way, and she looked at Mirabel annoyed*

Dolores:so, I'm a flying rat?

Mirabel;have you ever seen a fruit bat? Those things are absolutely adorable, like you, and you have as cute of eyes as them too

*Mirabel said winking at her, Dolores blushed, not knowing how to react, she wasn't used to people giving her compliments like that*

Dolores:you think I have pretty eyes?

Mirabel: we're really having this conversation again?

*Mirabel asked, as she looked around, then back at the map she got from one of the workers, Dolores looked at her confused*

Dolores:what are you talking about?

Mirabel:when we were in San Jose? You know...oh right, you got blackout drunk when I said that

*Mirabel mumbled to herself, but since Dolores didn't have her earmuffs, she heard it quite clear, and her blush returned, this time of embarrassment*

Mirabel:I told your drunk self, that your beautiful, honestly, I think your the most beautiful person in the madrigal family

Dolores:you... You do?

*Dolores asked surprised, she was having flashes of that night, but it was gone just as fast, Mirabel just nodded and kept talking*

Mirabel:of course I do, abuela only made Isabela the "flower" of madrigal, was because she looks exactly like she used to look like, when she was her age, it was decided because of narcism

Dolores:god I'm corrupting you, 3 months ago, you wouldn't have said that

*Dolores said with a small smirk, Mirabel rolled her eyes and scoffed*

Mirabel: please, I've talked like this long before you came along, I just don't talk like that to the family. Mom taught me to keep all those...little negative emotions inside, and slap on a fake smile, conceal don't feel

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