chapter 18

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In Casita

*Somehow, someway the family madrigal managed to survive pepa's breakfast, we see the adults drinking there smoothies trying to wash the taste out of there mouths*

Alma: Luisa go find mirabel and Dolores, they left before I could give out the chores of the day

Luisa:yes abuela, knowing Mirabel she probably took Dolores to Miguel's bakery

Pepa:a bakery? Was she still hungry? She should've said so I would've given her more food

*Pepa said concerned for her daughter and niece even if she was the reason they almost died. Luisa just gave an awkward shrug as a response and quickly walked out of casita*

Alma:Camilo help you're aunt with the dishes I need to talk with you're parents about a serious matter

*Camilo wanted to whine but the look alma gave him was enough to shut him up, she quickly went with Julieta to do the dishes*

Alma: Agustin take Antonio with you to wake up Isabela her punishment begins today I won't have her oversleep

Agustin:si alma come on Antonio

*Antonio huffed and walked behind agusting with a small pout and his arms crossed*

Antonio"why didn't Mirabel take me with her? Stupid Dolores..."

*Antonio thought with as much bitterness a 4 year old could muster, even if the reason she didn't take him was that he was busy faking being knocked out. Once alone Felix and Pepa looked at alma*

Pepa:what's going on mama?

Alma:it's about your child more specifically it's about Camilo and his behavior

*A cloud started to appear on top of Pepa, alma had to fight not to say "Pepa you're cloud"*

Felix:what about Camilo? What prank did he get caught doing now?

*Felix asked thinking it wasn't anything serious, alma sighed drumming her fingers on the table*

Alma:he has been caught bullying and harassing Mirabel

*alma expected them to be shocked but what alma saw shocked her, they didn't look surprised at all, which made alma frown deeply*

Alma:you already knew didn't you

Felix:I mean it's just a friendly teasing it's really not that bad

Alma:it's bad enough that Luisa has to protect Mirabel from him and Isabela, it's bad enough that her teacher told me about it. You both knew this and kept quiet about it?!

*Alma said raising her voice becoming increasingly madder. Pepa scratch her cheek and looked the other way,

Pepa:we just thought it isn't that big of deal, I mean me and Julieta would get in to fights all the time and we're fine

Alma:pepa there's a difference between siblings fighting and what Camilo has been doing, how dare you both keep this from me?! If the situation was reversed would you be acting the same way? If Mirabel was bullying Camilo would you just let it happened because Mirabel was just "playing?"

*Alma said with a cold glare at the two parents who had different expressions on there faces, Pepa looked as if she sucked a sour lemon, and felix looked troubled, not because of what they hid but because they got caught*

Felix:I don't know what you want us to say alma, it's clearly just a difference in opinion

Alma:well for one, Camilo will be severely punished, along with Isabela. Both of them has been harming a member of the family and that can't go unpunished. Two neither you or pepa will be involve in the punishment since you've showed that you can't be unbiased when it comes to you're children

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