chapter 29

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Last time

Dolores:anyway she's very quiet holding her breath, I wonder....

*The sound of Dolores utensils falling to the wooden floor was heard as her eyes became as small as pin needles, she placed her hand over her mouth as she got up in a hurry*

Dolores:there was a gunshot!!


*The second the words Dolores have said registered inside there brains, it was a race to antonio's room. Luisa obviously winning with Dolores in second place and surprisingly Isabela not far behind her, Casita had to open Antonio's door since Luisa was 100% gonna ram through it. They kept running to the other side of the room to find said doors. The blood was rushing so fast inside the brain of Dolores, the sound of others running, screaming, weeping, it made it next to impossible to listen to mirabel and her heart*

Meanwhile with a very much alive Mirabel

*Mirabel took out her head out of the scope of the gun and walked to the deer she just shot*

Mirabel:that's 20 how much more do we need?

Ponce:20 more that should be enough to restock the meats back in encanto at least till next month, help me put the beast in the cart with the rest

*Mirabel nodded as both of them left there rifles leaning against a tree and went to get the anime, both struggled to lift the 400 pound animal, they slowly walk to the cart*

Mirabel:Jesus this one is heavier then the rest, think he was the leader of the herd?

Ponce:it's a possibility, ok on 3...1...2...3

*Both huffed and threw the animals to the air landing on the Cart with the rest of the hunted animals. Both took a break to breath, Ponce took a bit of water from his cantina and offered some to Mirabel who accepted it*

Ponce: beautiful day, wish I could paint it

Mirabel:I keep telling you to tell your father, you don't have to quit the family job. But like ask for a day off at least once a week to paint. I keep telling you that I can cover for you

*Ponce sighed and nodded while he took the cantina back and drank a bit more. It's not the first time they had this conversation*

Ponce:I know your right, I know I should but like. My brother is already such a disappointment, I'm scared that he'll see me like that too and...

*Both stopped talking when they heard a rumbling coming there way, they quickly got up*


*Mirabel screamed to the shadows, out of them parce brother came out, snarling *

* T'Challa got in front of the two teenagers to protect them from whatever was coming there way, his growling turned in to confusion and he looked back at Mirabel and Ponce*

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* T'Challa got in front of the two teenagers to protect them from whatever was coming there way, his growling turned in to confusion and he looked back at Mirabel and Ponce*

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