chapter 36

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Mirabel:oh you want more information on that juicy, juicy gossip? Well you'll have to catch me to get it!

*Mirabel said with a giggle as she ran away, Dolores gave a small amused huff and ran to catch her. Overall the first start of there journey started off great*



*They were walking for a long while, Mirabel was doing fine her body used to this kind of travel, Dolores on the other hand.....*

Mirabel:let take a break, I'm getting a bit tired

Dolores:oh thank God.... I...I mean you sure? Cause I can keep going

*Dolores stuttered with a fake smile, Dolores main job being just listening, most of the time she didn't have to do a lot of physical exercises. Even with her hobbies, she only had to walk 5 minutes out of encanto to find the ingredients she needed, or ask Isabela if she was really lazy. They've been walking for a good 3 hour. Mirabel sat down and patted the spot next to her on the fallen tree. Dolores sat down, Mirabel grabbed the bag and opened it, she took an orange from the bag and started peeling it*

Mirabel:if this is too much for you, it's not too late to turn back you know no. I can do it, just....give me i minute, I was stupid I didn't think it would be so long

*Dolores said as Mirabel gave her the unpeeled orange, Dolores took and and started eating it, while Mirabel grabbed a second orange and started the peeling process again*

Mirabel"I can't tell her that I would already be half way there, she'll feel so bad about that

Mirabel:hm. It can be quite the journey hense why I'm the one that always does it, I'm the youngest in the group, so I have more free time and more energy then the adults

*Mirabel said thinking of what she'll be able to show Dolores once they reach San Jose*

Dolores:still, what about when you first started? You expect me to believe that a 10 year old girl did this walk by herself?

Mirabel; ay, of course not. When I first started, sometimes father Alves would go with me, sometimes it would be Jeanette. Or Amy Jenkins, hell even  James Jenkins would come with me every now and then,

*Dolores frowned since she wasn't stupid, she could read in-between the lines, "other people gave me more attention then my own family" she quickly shook her head when her brain caught up to the last person*

Dolores:wait wait wait, James?! That asshole that tried to flirt with me James?!

Mirabel:yup, like I said he likes older woman. But with me? He's....decent company if you don't mind him glancing at older woman in San Jose,  heh one time he was so busy looking at a woman that he lost me and freaked out looking all over and screaming my name,

*Mirabel said with an amused smile, James had his faults yes, but that boy did act like a caring older sibling, even to a girl that doesn't share any blood*

Dolores:still gives me the creeps. And I don't want you anywhere near him if Luisa or me isn't there with you

Mirabel:my, didn't know you could be so dominant

*Mirabel snickered as she ate her orange, Dolores moved a bit away, since while Dolores ate it slice by slice, Mirabel just bite down at it, like an apple getting juice everywhere*

Mirabel: let's change the subject how do you think they'll react when they realize we're gone for a few days?

Dolores:oh I expect a storm coming to the encanto courtesy of the weather witch

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