chapter 21

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Last time

*Mirabel said with a smile and Dolores nodded even if she could hear Mirabel's heart and how it was beating fast over Dolores's actions*

Mirabel"being grabbed like that. that was like one of those novels Luisa loves to read"

*Mirabel thought with a bit of a blush as she walked ahead of Dolores a little bit embarrassed that her body is reacting this way*


Mirabel and Dolores version of that day

*Mirabel and Dolores made it to the bar, Dolores was frowning still not liking the fact that her little cousin. And as much as she's still against the idea, her future wife singing in a bar, filled with drunk men*

Dolores:Mirabel, I really think you shouldn't do this

Mirabel: your complaints have been registered and accounted for Lolo. But I have to do this

Dolores:why? Why do you have to do this

Mirabel:because if I don't. She'll call Mariano and I'll be damned if I let that hack outshine me!!

*Mirabel said with a angry huff. Dolores eye started to twitch looking at the real theater kid of the family*

Dolores"Camilo, Bruno, you've got nothing on mirabel's"

Mirabel:oh I forgot here

*Mirabel took a pair of earmuffs from her satchel and gave it to Dolores. Dolores looked at it and then looked at how exited Mirabel looked. She forced a smile and placed it on*

Dolores:thanks I really.....

*Dolores flinched and looked shocked, her eyes becoming as small as pin needles. The sounds, they were gone, she couldn't hear alma screaming at a man for just wanting to cure her hangover, she couldn't hear Isabela screaming since she fell on donkey poop, she couldn't hear anything but the world around her. She felt Mirabel grab her shoulder and she looked at her*

Mirabel:how are they?

*Dolores flinched again and looked at a smiling Mirabel, Dolores mouth opened and closed but no words came out for a bit* super hearing....h.. how...

Mirabel:well, one night I couldn't think so I just kept looking at the ceiling in you're room then I got an idea, if the candle gave you the power, what if I took a bit of the candle to block your powers. So I went to abuela's room and cut 2 tiny pieces from the candle on the bottom, after that a made the earmuff with the candle wax inside of them. So did it wor...uff!!

*Mirabel said as Dolores crashed in to her hugging her tightly crying a little*

Dolores:I...I..I can hear normally. T..thank you Mirabel, thank you so much!

*Mirabel grew a soft smile as she hugged Dolores back, they stayed like that for a long while until Dolores felt better and let go*

Mirabel:ok, let's go inside my public must be dying to see me

*Mirabel said with a big smile walking inside. The two woman made it to the bar and Mirabel waved at Jeanette*

Mirabel/Mariano:hey Jeanette, I'm ready to sing

*Both Mirabel and Mariano said at the same time. They froze smiling and then looked at each other*


Mirabel:Mariano.... what to you think your doing?

Mariano: Jeanette asked me to sing today

Mirabel:she asked ME to sing today

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