chapter 56

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*Dolores was sitting down on the bed, she looked at at a sleeping Mirabel, she frowned slightly remembering what Mirabel told her*


Dolores:Mirabel....can I tell you something about Bruno?

Mirabel:nope, nada, not even a little

*Mirabel said casually, with her hands behind her back, Dolores looked absolutely gobsmacked and followed after her, stuttering her questions* What's do you mean no?

Mirabel:that I don't care about Bruno? What else could I mean?

*Mirabel said casually, she turned around and gave Dolores a crooked grin, as she took out the precious, I mean her notebook*

Mirabel: if you haven't realized it, in these couple of months, I don't have time to care, what do I know about him? He was my uncle who could see the future. Honestly I don't even remember what he looks like. He left after my ceremony, and in tern, that made alma think there was something wrong with me

Dolores:but that wasn't Bruno's fault, he was trying to help

*Dolores said, and then eep, since she unintentionally let it spill that she knows, more then she let's on. But Mirabel walked right past that spill, since Mirabel*

Mirabel:that may not have been his intention, but that was the results. He's the reason I haven't had a birthday in the family, in a decade.

Dolores:...ok, but we can both agree that was partly Alma's doing

*Dolores said with a sigh, mirabel nodded in agreement and they kept walking, for what felt like hours, for Mirabel it was nothing, for Dolores?*

Dolores:I'm telling you, that map is a fake! There's nothing here. Let's go homeeeeeee!

Mirabel:trust, the process, we still haven't seen the rock that looks like two bears kissing each other

*Mirabel said without even looking at her, Dolores groaned and looked at Mirabel as if she was stupid*

Mirabel:also, I know that Bruno is in the walls

Dolores: I know that.....wait....what?!

*Dolores said, genuinely shocked, Mirabel just shrugged and kept walking pass the two kissing rock bears*

Mirabel:did you forget Antonio's gift? The rats told him, and in tern he told me.

Dolores:.....oh that's such bullshit. Seriously? All this hiding around, and he got caught like that?

*Dolores said in a frustrated tone, of the situation not of mirabel...well, a little bit to Mirabel, seeing how she was acting*

Mirabel:that's life for yah, and all I can say is....meh. If he wants to live there, more power to him. Honestly I'm more disappointed then anything else

Dolores:disappointed? Why?

*Dolores asked curious, she didn't noticed, that they walked passed the entrance that was on the map*

Mirabel:because, him escaping from our family, was about the only thing I respected about him, hell it was the reason I went on so many adventures outside the encanto.

Dolores:you left the encanto to be more like Bruno?

*Dolores asked confused, Mirabel just shakes her head, she looks at the map, and then at her surrounding, then she takes a right*

Mirabel:no silly, it just gave me the confidence to leave, I thought, if Bruno could do it, why can't I? Only to find out, that I had more balls then him, it's kinda disappointing. I guess everyone in the first and second generation, are scared of the outside

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