chapter 60

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*It's been 2 weeks since last chapter, we see again an angry Antonio, since he was walking with Mirabel, and of course Dolores just had to be there*

Antonio:why can't I come with you?

Mirabel:because toñito, all I'll be doing is making clothes, all day. You'll be bored out of your mind. Trust me, you'll be better off playing with your friends

*Mirabel said honestly, but Antonio didn't care, he just send a dirty look at Dolores, who wasn't even paying attention to him"

Antonio:then how come, she gets to be with you

Mirabel:because, we have to spend time together, don't worry, I'm sure Dolores will love to spend more time with you

*Mirabel said with a smile, since she thought that Antonio was just jealous that Dolores spend more time with her, her cousin. Then Antonio her brother. Antonio crossed his arms, in a foul mood, since no one understood his pain. Dolores looked down at Antonio and smiled at him*

Dolores:of course, I always want to spend time with you toñito, and now I can

Antonio:I don't want to spend time with you, I want to spend it with mommy

*Antonio said bitterly, Dolores chuckled rubbing the back of her head, since she gets it. Pepa barely spend any time with her or Camilo when they were younger. Mirabel on the other hand, really understood what he meant, and gave him a stern look*

Mirabel:Antonio, that was very rude. You better apologize to Dolores

Antonio:why should I?!

*Antonio yelled frustrated, that his feelings in the matter weren't being considered. Mirabel face became more stern*

Mirabel:first of all you do not raise your voice at me, just for that. We won't be getting any ice cream, on our way back to Casita today. And secondly, because what you said was uncalled for, Dolores wants to spend more time with you, and you insulted her. Now apologize

Antonio:no! And you can't make me!

*Antonio kept his voice raised, with his arm crossed. Dolores looked surprised, that the normally reserved and quiet Antonio was acting out in such a way. Mirabel just crossed her arms*

Mirabel:....Antonio, I'm gonna give you a chance to apologize. I'm gonna count to 3 and if by the time I get to 3 you keep acting up, you will be grounded


*And then it happened, Antonio said something he shouldn't have said, a word he learned from an angry Pepa. He pointed his finger at Mirabel, and opened his mouth as the words came out*

Antonio:fuck you!



Scene change

*We see a sulking puffy eye, Antonio in the nursery. After he said that, Mirabel grabbed him by the ear and dragged him back to Casita, who when Mirabel told her what Antonio said, agreed with keeping Antonio locked in the nursery, without any of his animals, or anything to play with.*

On the first floor

*Dolores walked to Mirabel and gave her a cup of tea, Mirabel shot him a smile in appreciation, as she took it and drank it*

Mirabel:honestly, I don't know what has gotten into him

Dolores: think Camilo is to blame?

*Dolores said with a bit of a chuckle, Mirabel rolled her eyes, but a small smirk did appear on her lips*

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