chapter 44

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Last time

Mirabel:she...she didn't mean to...

*Mirabel managed to say, it took a bit to understand what Mirabel was implying, but she did. Dolores looked shock, and that quickly turned to anger*

Dolores:Isabela whipped you?!


With Isabela

*We see her sitting down on a bench with a forced smile on her face, in front of her was Mariano reciting another one of his poems. Just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that*

Isabela"does he know how to do anything apart from poems?

Isabela:ay amor, that was incredible. Better then you're poem yesterday

*Isabela said completely lying, she just wanted the dumb hunk, to shut up. Mariano looked at her and smiled*

Mariano: you think so?

Isabela:oh I know so, now. How about we go and start planning for our wedding?

*Isabela said patting the opened seat next to her, Mariano nodded and sat down*

Mariano:are you sure? There's still quite a bit of time before we have to get married

Isabela: actually, I've been thinking. How would you feel on moving the date closer, say. In two months?

*Isabela said putting her hand on Mariano's thigh and rubbing it softly. Mariano had a very small blush, but still looked surprised*

Mariano:In 2 months? Why so soon mi amor?

Isabela:ay cariño, it's just that this is torture. Having to wait to be with you when it's all i can think about, I want you. I need you, I desire you....

*Isabela said whispering it to Mariano's ear, it made the poor flustered boy shutter. He gulped and coughed a bit trying to regain his composure*

Mariano:w...well, if that's what you want. I can talk to abuela see what she thinks,

Isabela;ay gracias amor!

*Isabela said kissing his cheek. Bless her heart, Mariano was a good man, but oh so very naive. Since the reason Isabela wanted the wedding moved up, was for very, for lack of a better word, very fucked up reasons*


*Mariano saw Isabela eye start to twitch and he chuckled stealing a kiss from her lips to her*

Mariano:come on mi amor, I'll help you.

Isabela:ay gracias, genuinely

*Isabela said with a sigh as they both got up and started walking to those demon on 4 legs. While they were walking Isabela was celebrating internally*

Isabela"yes. With my wedding so soon, it'll make abuela remember why! I'm the favorite. Why I'm the perfect madrigal, yes. All of this will be perfect, things will finally go back to the way there were.*

*Isabela thought with a big smile, since all of that was just a ploy, a ploy to get back into Alma's good side. Even if there was a small part of her that was screaming no, that was begging Isabela to tell the truth. It was drowned out and ignored*

Isabela"and after the marriage I'll give birth to the perfect child, and be the golden child again. Like I'm supposed to"

In Casita

*Bruno frowned, ever since he saw the vision of the future for Dolores and Mirabel, the cracks were begging to get smaller, patched up if you will. But a fresh new one started to grow, Bruno walked up to it and rubbed it softly*

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