chapter 25

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Last time

Mirabel snorted amused while Dolores chuckled, they could see there family at the distance and both sighed*

Mirabel:I'm already so drained, what are the chances of having a normal dinner?

*Dolores unfortunately had to take off her earmuff and hides them on mirabel's Satchel. Dolores touched her forehead feeling a headache coming*

Dolores: slim.


*The two families sat down and started eating, Julieta looked at her mother looking like she aged 5 years from this morning. She knows it wrong but Julieta couldn't help but feel a sick sense of smugness that alma had to deal with all the crap Julieta has to deal with*

Julieta:so mami, how was the stand?

Alma: horrible

*Alma said taking a deep breath before pinching the bridge of her nose letting the air out through her mouth*

Alma:I...I owe you a deep apology Julieta, many things, but the biggest one is not believing in you or trusting your judgement. The people I had to serve were just horrible! I had no idea thats what you had to live with every day

Dolores;how could you? You always just told aunty that she was exaggerating

*Dolores said with a slight anger in her tone having to sit next to alma. Alma just sighed and nodded*

Alma:yes, I was a fool. But things are gonna change I assure you, just like I can promise you'll see that in this instance I was in the right with your marriage Dolores


*Dolores looked to her side, Mirabel placed her hand on top of hers and just shook her head no. Dolores took a breath and just ate in silence*

April:marriage? That's the first I've head of Dolores madrigal getting married

Alma:ah yes, she's the next to be wed. But we're keeping it quiet until after Isabela's marriage with Mariano, that's the marriage that the encanto and it's people need to concentrate there time on

*Isabela smiled as alma gave her a smiling nod, even if the smallest speck inside her mind was screaming against the whole thing. It was sadly too small to be heard*

April:I see, Mariano is such a wonderful man, I'm sure you'll make each other very happy.

Alma:I completely agree, I can't think of anyone better for Mariano then you Isabela, though don't think that changes my views on your actions

*Alma said sternly, Isabela flinched and nodded looking down on the ground. While under the table Mirabel intertwined her hand with Dolores and gave it a squeeze, to give her some support. Since Mirabel could tell that those words harmed Dolores deeply. Dolores gave Mirabel a small smile of appreciation and they kept eating, Mirabel was so busy making sure Dolores was ok that she failed to noticed Antonio scowling at them*

Antonio"Mami used to pay all her attention on me, Dolores is trying to steal her away"

*Antonio thought, since he was too young to understand how complicated the relationship between Dolores and Mirabel truly was, and how both of them were just trying to make the best of it*

Felix:so April, Daniel, where's the rest of the family?

Daniel:in there own homes, enjoying there foods?

*Daniel said confused, April placed her hand on Daniel's arm and took over*

April:we get that you're family all live together and that's fine, but ours left the nest decades ago, though they still come to visit every Sunday

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